
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JONES provides with a back-end for a jspsych reverse correlation experience intended to compare pair of sounds or images generated with cleese. The main features are:

  • enable the creation of new experiments through a few configuration files (see examples/README.md)
  • have the jspsych (front-end) experiment interact with the server thanks to WebSockets (leveraging golang and gorilla/websocket)
  • deployment made easy (1): build project, transfer the binary and a few folders
  • deployment made easy (2): no database needed (all configuration and state being saved to text files)
  • deployment made easy (3): the jones binary comes with a HTTP server for static files (JS, CSS)

Run in development

Clone the repository then:

# with an environment variable:
APP_MODE=DEV go run main.go
# or with a command line argument:
go run main.go -APP_MODE DEV

Then go to http://localhost:8100/xp/example/new

Build and deploy

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Build the jones binary:

# creates the 'jones' binary
go build

Check Build options to build for different platforms.

  1. Build front-end assets (to the public folder) thanks to the jones binary:
# with an environment variable:
# or with a command line argument:
  1. Transfer to server the jones binary, and the data, examples and public folders:
jones      -> jspsych WebSocket back-end to manage experiments + HTTP server for front-end assets 
data/      -> contains live experiments data (configuration and results)
examples/  -> (optional) contains example experiment configurations that you may copy/paste then edit
public/    -> js/css assets served by HTTP server including those created with APP_MODE=BUILD_FRONT

Other files and folders in this project are only needed for the build (steps 2 and 3) and don't need to be transferred to the server.

Please note the jones binary will automatically create an additional state folder to manage internal state.

  1. Run jones (with a user with write permissions on local folder and below), at least specifying from what origins WebSockets connections are allowed:
APP_ORIGINS=https://example.com ./jones

Check other available settings in the Environment variables section.

Environment variables

  • APP_PORT=9000 (defaults to 8100) to set port listen by jones server
  • APP_ORIGINS=https://example.com to declare a comma separated list of allowed origins for WebSocket connections (http://localhost:8100 and https://localhost:8100 are allowed by default if APP_ORIGINS is not set)
  • APP_WEB_PREFIX=/path (empty by default) needed if, depending on your server configuration, jones is served under a given path, for instance https://example.com/path
  • APP_MODE=DEV to enable development mode (watch JS files to trigger builds, enhanced logs and allow http://localhost:8100 and https://localhost:8100 origins)
  • APP_MODE=BUILD_FRONT builds front-end assets but do not start server

Command line arguments

It's also possible to run the projet with the APP_MODE command line argument, in that case it will have priority over the corresponding environment variable if both are defined, for instance:

go run main.go -APP_MODE BUILD_FRONT

Create a new experiment

Create a new folder in data/ and follow the instructions in examples/README.md.

Proxy setup

You may prefer to serve jones behind a HTTP proxy, for instance proxying a given public sub/domain to the declared APP_PORT of the locally running jones.

In that case you need to allow for WebSockets upgrade and to fine-tune the default WebSockets timeout (taking into consideration possible idle periods of participants) at the proxy side.

For instance if you use nginx, you may consider the following directives:

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
# increase default timeout
proxy_send_timeout 10m;
proxy_read_timeout 10m;

Process control

You may manage jones execution with Supervisor or pm2 (for instance for auto-restarts). Here is a configuration example for Supervisor:


Build options

Check available options if you build for a different machine (see more) for instance:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build