Pinned issues
- 0
Additional figures for MGCX resubmission.
#182 opened by rmehta004 - 0
Additional time series simulations
#179 opened by rmehta004 - 3
Ljung-Box and Box-Pierce tests for autocorrelation
#178 opened by rmehta004 - 0
Correct p-value estimation for unbiased Dcorr, and other edits to abstract `p_value`
#177 opened by rmehta004 - 0
Dcorr/MGC for time-series
#56 opened by jovo - 8
type error in - mgcpy.independence_tests.mgc_utils.local_correlation.local_covariance " -expected 'int_t' but got 'long long'"
#160 opened by benfreoa - 4
type error when using MGC.p_value() on longs
#153 opened by tathey1 - 0
no source for last two versions on pypi
#174 opened by falkben - 0
- 0
Don't base random seed on floored clock time
#161 opened by bdpedigo - 0
Add link to paper in readme
#155 opened by impredicative - 0
Allow y in k sample transform to be 1 dimensional
#154 opened by bdpedigo - 3
Make warnings optional
#148 opened by eigenvivek - 2
- 3
fast 1D mgc
#42 opened by jovo - 0
conditional Dcorr/Mgc
#55 opened by jovo - 1
Fast DCorr buggy, power is 0 for any n
#133 opened by bvarjavand - 0
make demos in docs
#143 opened by jovo - 0
Integrate the RF test
#145 opened by sampan501 - 0
API for generating datasets
#142 opened by jovo - 0
missing data?
#140 opened by jovo - 0
update wikipedia pages
#139 opened by jovo - 1
distance transform?
#126 opened by jovo - 5
- 0
docs references are missing from nav bar
#124 opened by falkben - 0
port R code for discriminability to python
#111 opened by jovo - 2
Factor out requirements.txt
#103 opened by j1c - 2
Package usage comments
#64 opened by j1c - 0
incorporate Dcorr clustering
#53 opened by jovo - 0
MGC/Dcorr embeddings
#44 opened by jovo - 1
fast nD MGC
#43 opened by jovo - 0
- 1
benchmark against energy package
#54 opened by jovo - 1
pvalues should never be zero
#138 opened by jovo - 2
MGC assumes input is a data matrix
#123 opened by tpsatish95 - 0
nonpar testing + mgc for two-sample testing
#117 opened by junhaobearxiong - 0
independence testing for graphs
#118 opened by junhaobearxiong - 0
Updating power curves and
#119 opened by ananyas713 - 0
- 0
Refactor mgcpy to conform with the scikit-learn API and document Sprint 2 results
#114 opened by tpsatish95 - 0
Improve on Two Sample Testing to better integrate with mgcpy, merge Dcorr and MGC, and finish writing manuscript
#115 opened by sampan501 - 0
Analyze the functional connectomes of different phenotypes using MGC to evaluate discernable differences between phenotypes.
#116 opened by sampan501 - 0
- 1
Add MDMR in Python (Sandhya)
#18 opened by junhaobearxiong - 1
Develop ways to incorporate 2-sample testing into package (kernlab) (Ananya)
#22 opened by sundaysundya - 0
Run and compare MGC and other correlation tests on connectomes from HBN on a few targeted phenotypes relating to autism (ASSQ, SCQ, SRS-2) (Sandhya)
#16 opened by junhaobearxiong - 0
Improve on Two Sample Testing to better integrate with mgcpy and fix any bugs or better optimizations in the package
#17 opened by junhaobearxiong - 0
is mgcpy sklearn compliant/compatible?
#112 opened by jovo - 0
#67 opened by junhaobearxiong - 1
Stochastic Block Model Reduction
#19 opened by bstadt