g-pypi ====== `http://code.google.com/p/g-pypi/ <http://code.google.com/p/g-pypi/>`_ g-pypi creates Python package ebuilds for Gentoo Linux by querying The Cheese Shop. Although it's in the early stages of development, testing has generated over 1,200 ebuilds automatically. Note: g-pypi will only be as good at creating ebuilds as The Python Package Index information is. People can leave out a lot of information when submitting info to PyPI, making ebuild creation impossible. Basic Usage =========== Output ebuild to stdout: :: g-pypi -p package_name Write ebuild to your overlay: :: g-pypi package_name Create live svn ebuild (if subversion URI is listed in PyPI): :: g-pypi -s package_name By default your first overlay listed in /etc/make.conf PORTDIR_OVERLAY is used. If you want to use a different one, edit ~/.g-pypirc By default your first KEYWORD listed in /etc/make.conf KEYWORDS is used. If you want to use a different one, edit ~/.g-pypirc or prefix your command with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS e.g. :: $ ACCEPT_KEYWORDS='~amd64' g-pypi foopkg You can over-ride some variables if g-pypi can't figure out the PN, PV etc. :: -n or --PN=package-name -v or --PV=version --MY_P=my_p --MY_PN=my_pn --MY_PV=my_pv If you don't specify a portage category with '-c' the ebuild will be placed in dev-python Use '-V' for verbose output for debugging. INSTALL ======= g-pypi is available in my overlay directory: If you haven't emerged and configured app-portage/layman: :: emerge layman echo "source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/make.conf layman --add pythonhead emerge g-pypi Subversion ========== `subversion repository <http://g-pypi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/#egg=g-pypi-dev>`_ Hint: You can use to create a live svn ebuild for g-pypi ;) :: g-pypi -s g-pypi