To install, run:
cd app
yarn install
To run the app, use:
cd app
yarn start
Then download the ExpoGo app on your smartphone and scan the QR code displayed in the terminal
Alternatively use yarn android
or yarn ios
to emulate the app on your computer (requires emulators to be installed)
To lint run:
cd app
yarn lint
To test run:
cd app
yarn test
To run the server locally,
- set environment variables: ADMIRALTY_API_KEY= and ENVIRONMENT="dev"
- run the following commands:
cd backend
./gradlew run
To test the app run the following commands:
cd backend
./gradlew build
The app should now be running on
Alternatively, open the backend folder in an IDE (Intellij Ultimate recommended) and use the run button.
Any changes pushed to the main branch, will be deployed to
The backend config file (backend/config.yaml) contains information such as the variable names in the grib files being accessed.
It also contains the way the services are deployed. Currently for wind and tide only grib is supported.
To see the variable names for any grib file download the NetCDF file viewer here
then run
java -Xmx1g -jar toolsUI.jar
or replace the filename with the tool file name.