Real time fmri and fmri motion viewer files
Developed by: Maicon Munch ( Alexandre R. Franco (
This is the realtime fmri system that works on a GE Heathcare HDxt 3.0T (v.16) scanner.
What needs to be installed on the MRI computer:
"Dimon" (from AFNI) Install on the follwing folder: /export/home/sdc/bin/
On the following folder: /export/home/sdc/ put the script You'll need to start this script on the terminal every time you run an fMRI scan. Make sure you start it only after the localizer scan has been performed
create the follwoing folder: /export/home/sdc/RTshells Inside this folder, put the following file RTcommands.txt
in the folder: /export put the following files: output.txt resultado.txt
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What you'll need to install on the computer that will be recieving the images and controling for head motion. 0) Install Linux (we recommend Ubuntu - well that's what we are using)
Download AFNI #Choose the following release: Linux OpenMP 64bit
Change to tcsh shell echo $SHELL #print shell type chsh -s /bin/tcsh #change to tcsh. Its necessary to logout then login for it to work set prompt="%B[%n]: #Configure Prompt in .tcshrc file in home folder
Install Packages sudo apt-get install libxp6 sudo apt-get install python-qt4 r-base
Set AFNI path set path = ( $path ~/abin ) #set on .tcshrc file
Copy the following files to the computer:
on the Desktop, copy the following files InstructionsStartRTFMRI.txt
For the , you'll need to edit it to the username that you are using for your user (for us its "rtfmri")
How to run the realtime fmri (and motion tracking) system