‘MR segment-normalize’ module (SPM12)
luanraguiar opened this issue · 2 comments
luanraguiar commented
Dear all,
When I tried to run the ‘MR segment-normalize’ module of the Clinical Toolbox, I got the following error:
12-May-2021 16:29:03 - Running ‘MR segment-normalize’
12-May-2021 16:29:03 - Failed ‘MR segment-normalize’
Undefined function ‘clinical_mrnormseg_job’ for input arguments of type ‘struct’.
In file “C:\Users\Neuroimager\Desktop\spm12\toolbox\Clinical-master\tbx_cfg_clinical.m” (???), function “clinical_local_mrnormseg” at line 319.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: MR segment-normalize
I would appreciate it very much if anyone could help me on this issue.
Thanks so much,
neurolabusc commented
Rename the folder
and restart SPM
luanraguiar commented
Thank you so much for your help and attention! 🙏