There are 7 packages :
createBase : there are some elements (.py) for create the Learning database. In fact we use package <Generation_de_la_base_d'apprentissage> for generating the Learning database.
- the Database*.txt file are parts of the base.txt
- base.txt which has the whole data generated from the program: Generation_de_la_base_d'apprentissage(we merge all Database*.txt file)
- databaseC.csv has the data form for the seq2seq model with the Completion Time, we use this file for training.
- all the test documents
- Euqation.pdf: description of the model and the euqation.
- Soutenance Finale.pdf : the slides of the final presentation
flowshop: package for integration of the matheuristics
Generation_de_la_base_d'apprentissage: it has all the source code (C) of the gereration of Learning database. For using, it needs to lanch the Generation_de_la_base_d'apprentissage/CampagneGenBdDApprentissage/testexact1.exe.
nn: it has the code of construction of seq2seq model
- : the functions of preprocessing data
- : the model of the seq2seq model.
Pydoc : python doc genrated by sphinx.