
ElectroTallinn Moonlight theme: Conky, VSC, Alacritty

Primary LanguageShell

ElectroTallinn Cyber/Moonlight Theme for Linux

ElectroTallinn Moonlight theme: Conky, VSC, Alacritty moonlight


Linux dotfiles for ElectroTallinn Cyber/Moonlight Theme.

Sync and Apply

chezmoi - https://www.chezmoi.io/
Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.


VSC Material & Moonlight Theme

Material: https://github.com/material-theme/vsc-material-theme
Moonlight: https://github.com/atomiks/moonlight-vscode-theme

Conky Theme

Conky - https://github.com/brndnmtthws/conky
Install theme: Add conky folder to home/.config/conky/cyber-theme Autostart: Add start_conky.desktop to home/.autostart/start_conky.desktop

Alacritty Moonlight Theme

Alacritty - Installation Guide / https://alacritty.org/
Themes to choose: "Challenger Deep", "Moonlight"

ZSH Theme

ZSH Config - https://github.com/wszqkzqk/easy-zsh-config
Easy setup

Oh My Posh - Installation Guide / https://ohmyposh.dev/
Init / Theme setup: eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config ~/_yourpath_/config.json)"
Fonts: https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols
Install "FiraCode Nerd Font": oh-my-posh font install
Cheat Sheet: https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet
Windows 11 Preview: https://imgur.com/gallery/yRPJ7c7

Neofetch - Installation Guide / https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch
Themes: https://github.com/Chick2D/neofetch-themes

Oh My ZSH! alternative - Installation Guide / https://ohmyz.sh/
Themes to choose: "duellj", "agnoster"

ElectroTallinn Wallpaper

Wallpaper created in Blender 3D from scratch for my electric transport community ElectroTallinn ;)

Gnome Theme (Manjaro Linux)

Tokyo Moon: https://www.pling.com/p/1681315
WhiteSur: https://www.pling.com/p/1403328/
Orchis: https://www.pling.com/p/1357889/

Icons for Gnome Dock

Mkos-Big-Sur: https://www.pling.com/p/1400021
McMojave-circle: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1305429

Gnome Extensions Sync

Locate readme.txt in "gnome-extensions" folder and follow instructions.


Youtube video



Remmina - Remote desktop
Mailspring - Mail client
Alacritty - Terminal
VSC - Coding
Spotify - Music player
Telegram - Messenger
OBS - Stream and video record
Gimp - Photoshop in Linux
Blender - 3D editor
Stacer - System information
Conky - System Monitor
Steam - Game Library
Lutris - Game launcher
ProtonUp - Proton GUI installer
PortProton - Game launcher
MultiMC - Minecraft launcher
Flathub - App manager
Fontbase - Font manager
Discord - Messenger
Postman - DB Request manager
Gnome tweaks - Gnome tweaker
Waydroid - Android emulator
Coolero - NZXT control
OpenRGB - Control RGB lights
Etcher - USB image maker
Tor - Secure browser
Flameshot - Screenshot capturer
qBittorrent - Torrent client
Davinci Resolve - Video Editor
Shutter Encoder - Video Converter