
Rotifera bunddles two frameworks:

  • base contains utilities to communicate with the robot. It is meant to run on a distant computer.
  • robot contains the arbiter's files, the arduino's firmware and a python framework to build custom behaviors. It is meant to run on the embedded computer.

NUC consumption

Idle NUC consumption: 0.220 mA, 19 V, 4.18 W

Measured NUC consumption while running a CPU and memory benchmark (stress-ng --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 1G --timeout 60s --metrics-brief):

Intensity Tension Power
1.050 A 19 V 19.95 W
1.150 A 17 V 19.55 W
1.250 A 15 V 18.75 W
1.360 A 14 V 19.04 W
1.500 A 13 V 19.50 W
1.550 A 12 V 18.60 W
1.720 A 11 V 18.92 W
1.900 A 10 V 19.00 W
2.150 A 9 V 19.35 W

Thrust range

Backward speed enable: 1578 us

Backward speed disable (once enabled): 1576 us

Forward speed enable: 1527 us

Forward speed disbale (once enabled): 1529 us

Theoretical zero: (1578 + 1527) / 2 = 1552.5 us