Verifying CVODE performance with upcoming 9.0 release
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pramodk commented
I am copying this ticket from one of the BBP internal ticket. As this example depends on BBP internal circuit & configurations, unfortunately it's a bit difficult to provide it as a complete reproducer. But I thought it would be good to copy whatever is available as we are going to loose access to BBP infrastructure soon.
Overview of the issue
This is what Andras provided:
Similar to this: I've also experienced a drop in performance of NEURON 9.0 compared to NEURON 8.2.4 when simulating a single cell using CVode.
My setup is in bluecellulab, but I've put together a minimal example that can be run in neurodamus with the latest module. It's a long simulation (22.5 minutes of biological time) with sparse events: there are 2 * 60 EPSPs (evoked by spike replay) and 75 spikes (evoked by current injection).
I've put it here:
With CVode in blucellulab it took:
33 mins. in NEURON 9.0
20 mins. in NEURON 8.2.4
Although improved, the second number still seems weird, considering that it's just a single cell and I was hoping that CVode will require less compute time than biological time... Giuseppe claims that he ran the same sims <2-3 mins. with NEURON 7.
(With fixed dt, it takes ~5h with NEURON 9.0.)
See attached exported ticket.
[#BBPBGLIB-1172] NEURON (and CVode) performance drop.pdf
The example BBPBGLIB-1172/bluecellulab/
mentioned in the ticket uses BBP's sonata circuit. But copying the example here for reference:
import os
import time
from libsonata import SpikeReader
from bluepysnap import Simulation
import bluecellulab
bluecellulab.neuron.h.cvode.atolscale("v", .1)
BASE_DIR = "/gpfs/"
def main(node_pop="S1nonbarrel_neurons", fastforward=750000.):
# Get necessary params
sim_config = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "bluecellulab", "simulation_config.json")
sim = Simulation(sim_config)
t_end = sim.config["run"]["tstop"]
pre_gid, post_gid = sim.node_sets.content["precell"]["node_id"][0], sim.node_sets.content["postcell"]["node_id"][0]
pre_spikes = SpikeReader(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "prespikes.h5"))[node_pop].get_dict()["timestamps"]
# Instantiate postcell in `bluecellulab`
sim = bluecellulab.CircuitSimulation(sim_config)
sim.instantiate_gids([(node_pop, post_gid)], add_synapses=True, add_minis=False, add_pulse_stimuli=True,
intersect_pre_gids=[(node_pop, pre_gid)],
pre_spike_trains={(node_pop, pre_gid): pre_spikes})
cell = sim.cells[(node_pop, post_gid)]
for sec in cell.somatic + cell.axonal:
sec.uninsert("SK_E2") # fix AHP during high freq. firing, by removing big K+ channel
# Run sim to fastforward point and move all synases to stable states (to solve fewer eqs.)
start_time = time.time(), cvode=True)
for syn_id, synapse in cell.synapses.items():
if synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB >= 0.5:
synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB = 1.
synapse.hsynapse.Use = synapse.hsynapse.Use_p
synapse.hsynapse.gmax_AMPA = synapse.hsynapse.gmax_p_AMPA
synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB = 0.
synapse.hsynapse.Use = synapse.hsynapse.Use_d
synapse.hsynapse.gmax_AMPA = synapse.hsynapse.gmax_d_AMPA
# Complete run
print("Elapsed time: %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - start_time)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Expected result/behavior
Performance between v8.0 and 9.0 should be same.