
Quick'n'dirty T-SQL procedure static analysis (don't be fooled, there is no inter-procedural static analysis engine behind, and it only follows assignments...)

Primary LanguagePython

SQL Procedure Static Analysis

Developed by Romain Gaucher, @rgaucher


This script analyses statically stored procedures, and report a defect when a potentially unsafe concatenation is detected.

The type of analysis is totally unsound, and no inter-procedural analysis is performed. Also, the intra-procedural analysis is a shame. However, this script was handy more than once, to quickly pinpoint interesting locations in SQL stored procedures.

Example of what the tool is meant to find:

SELECT @sql = 'select * from ' + @PROC_PARAMETER; EXEC @sql;

where @PROC_PARAMETER is an argument of the stored procedure.


$ proc_analyzer.py --sql input-file.sql --output findings.json