
A super lightweight library for Test Driven Development on Arduino

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A super lightweight library for Test Driven Development

Written with love by Push The World!

We use this in the firmware for OpenBCI.


#include <PTW-Arduino-Assert.h>

void setup() {
  // Start hardware Serial for debug

  // Set serial for library


void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {

void go() {

void testAdd() {

void testAdd_T1() {
  test.assertEqualInt(1+1, 2, "1 should equal 1");
void testAdd_T2() {
  test.assertNotEqualInt(1+1, 1, "2 should not equal 1");

void testBuffer() {
    char bufferTaco[] = "taco";
    char bufferTest[] = "hey_taco";

    int bufferTacoLength = 4;

    test.assertNotEqualBuffer(bufferTaco,bufferTest, bufferTacoLength, "should not find taco buffer in first 4 bytes of test buffer");

    test.assertEqualBuffer(bufferTaco,bufferTest + 4, bufferTacoLength, "should find taco buffer in last 4 bytes of test buffer");

Reference Guide

assertBoolean(actual, expected)

Assert that actual and expected are the same.

actual - {boolean}

The output of the function under test.

expected - {boolean}

The expected output value of the function under test.

Returns - {boolean}

true if they are equal, false if not.

assertBoolean(actual, expected, message)

Assert that actual and expected are the same.

actual - {boolean}

The output of the function under test.

expected - {boolean}

The expected output value of the function under test.

message - {char *}

A "should" message to print out with the test whether it passes or fails.

Returns - {boolean}

true if they are equal, false if not.

assertBoolean(actual, expected, message, lineNumber);

Assert that actual and expected are the same.

actual - {boolean}

The output of the function under test.

expected - {boolean}

The expected output value of the function under test.

message - {char *}

A "should" message to print out with the test whether it passes or fails.

lineNumber - {int}

The line number of this assert call. Extremely helpful for those first couple runs though a large test file. Simply use Arduino's __LINE__ reserved word which the preprocessor will insert the line number on! Clutch!

Returns - {boolean}

true if they are equal, false if not.

assertEqualBuffer(actual, expected, length)

Assert that actual and expected are the same on a char by char basis.

actual - {char *}

The output of the function under test.

expected - {char *}

The expected output value of the function under test.

Returns - {boolean}

true if they are equal, false if not.

boolean assertEqualBuffer(char *, char *, int, char *); boolean assertEqualBuffer(char *, char *, int, char *, int); boolean assertEqualByte(byte, byte); boolean assertEqualByte(byte, byte, char *); boolean assertEqualByte(byte, byte, char *, int); boolean assertEqualChar(char, char); boolean assertEqualChar(char, char, char *); boolean assertEqualChar(char, char, char *, int); boolean assertEqualInt(int, int); boolean assertEqualInt(int, int, char *); boolean assertEqualInt(int, int, char *, int);

boolean assertNotEqualBuffer(char *, char *, int); boolean assertNotEqualBuffer(char *, char *, int, char *); boolean assertNotEqualBuffer(char *, char *, int, char *, int); boolean assertNotEqualByte(byte, byte); boolean assertNotEqualByte(byte, byte, char *); boolean assertNotEqualByte(byte, byte, char *, int); boolean assertNotEqualChar(char, char); boolean assertNotEqualChar(char, char, char *); boolean assertNotEqualChar(char, char, char *, int); boolean assertNotEqualInt(int, int); boolean assertNotEqualInt(int, int, char *); boolean assertNotEqualInt(int, int, char *, int);

boolean assertGreaterThanByte(byte, byte); boolean assertGreaterThanByte(byte, byte, char *); boolean assertGreaterThanByte(byte, byte, char *, int); boolean assertGreaterThanChar(char, char); boolean assertGreaterThanChar(char, char, char *); boolean assertGreaterThanChar(char, char, char *, int); boolean assertGreaterThanInt(int, int); boolean assertGreaterThanInt(int, int, char *); boolean assertGreaterThanInt(int, int, char *, int);

boolean assertLessThanByte(byte, byte); boolean assertLessThanByte(byte, byte, char *); boolean assertLessThanByte(byte, byte, char *, int); boolean assertLessThanChar(char, char); boolean assertLessThanChar(char, char, char *); boolean assertLessThanChar(char, char, char *, int); boolean assertLessThanInt(int, int); boolean assertLessThanInt(int, int, char *); boolean assertLessThanInt(int, int, char *, int);

boolean assertBetweenInt(int, int, int); boolean assertBetweenInt(int, int, int, char *); boolean assertBetweenInt(int, int, int, char *, int); boolean assertBetweenInclusiveInt(int, int, int); boolean assertBetweenInclusiveInt(int, int, int, char *); boolean assertBetweenInclusiveInt(int, int, int, char *, int);