
A tool for digging up function source and parsing function headers

Primary LanguageJava

PakkunGo gopher

Essentially a refactored github-scraper. Currently, does not have the GitHub API features, but will add these soon. That repo really needed refactoring...

Language: Go (Golang)

A tool for scraping repositories from GitHub and extracting source code function information using Golang and GitHub API v3. Assumes you're running Linux. If running on OSX, use the appropriate dependencies. This script relies on bash commands and so will not work on Windows.

Setup/ Dependencies

Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB on Ubuntu

Install Exuberant Ctags:

sudo apt install exuberant-ctags

Install MongoDB driver for Go:

go get gopkg.in/mgo.v2

If you get the following:

package gopkg.in/mgo.v2: cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath

Then remove the gopkg.in/mgo.v2 directory and try the above command again.

Refer to mgo for further and more up-to-date instructions.

GOPATH setup

sudo nano ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/<path to this repo>
source ~/.bashrc

sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
export GOPATH=$HOME/<path to this repo>
touch ~/.bash_profile

If you get a message about GOPATH not able to find e.g. parse/parseFuncHeader.go, do the following:

cd pakkun/src/parse
cd pakkun/src/search
cd pakkun/src/utils
go build
go install

Basic usage:

go run main.go -dir <absolute path>


By default the script looks for functions containing numeric/boolean input parameters and outputs*. You should only get back test3() and test7() since that's the only one with only numeric or boolean values.

go run main.go -dir ~/pakkun

	"_id" : 911846790,
	"name" : "foobar.java",
	"path" : "/home/ubuntu/research/sandbox/go_workspace/pakkun/test/foobar.java",
	"funcs" : 
				"id" : NumberLong("2298940924"),
					"name" : "test7",
					"header" : "public static double testG(int i, int j, int k)",
					"intype" : [ "int", "int", "int" ],
					"outtype" : [ "double" ],
					"source" : "public static double testG(int i, int j, int k) {}"
	"_id" : 1170655353,
	"name" : "helloworld.java",
	"path" : "/home/ubuntu/research/sandbox/go_workspace/pakkun/test/helloworld.java",
	"funcs" : 
				"id" : NumberLong("3700423157"),
				"name" : "test3",
				"header" : "public static float testC(int i, double d, float f)",
				"intype" : [ "float", "int", "double" ],
				"outtype" : [ "float" ],
				"source" : "public static float testC(int i, double d, float f) {}"
  • *Java functions headers should only specify one return type. However, languages like Golang allow for specifying multiple return types. So allowing for multiple types will be useful for extending this to languages like Go, but it also requires assuming the programs are syntactically correct.