
basic MITM HTTP proxy server

Primary LanguagePython

HTTP proxy

A simple filtering HTTP proxy server in Python.


python proxy.py [host] [port]


  • redesign Http class
  • close sockets properly when required
  • make nice logging
  • add some initial requests modification to be transparent for a server (test en.wikipedia.org, arxiv.org)
  • add addresses filtering for HTTPS

Filtering usage example

#!/usr/bin/env python

from http import *
import proxy

filter_hosts = ['example.com', 'example.org']

def filter_request(request):
	meta = request.meta
	if 'Accept-Encoding' in meta:
		del meta['Accept-Encoding']	# make sure request doesn't allow encoded response
		request.meta = meta
	return request

def filter_response(request, response):
	insertion = '<img style="position:fixed;left:20%;bottom:0;z-index:100500" alt="Hidden trollface1.png" src="//lurkmore.so/images/8/80/Hidden_trollface1.png" width="192" height="56">'
	if request.meta['Host'] in filter_hosts:
		meta = response.meta
		content_type = meta.get('Content-Type')
		if content_type and 'text/html' in content_type.lower() and not 'Content-Encoding' in meta:
			body = response.body
			i = body.lower().rfind('</body>')
			body = body[:i] + insertion + body[i:]
			meta['Content-Length'] = str(len(body))
			response.meta = meta
			response.body = body	# should be set _after_ meta because of content-length change (or just use response.set(...) to set both simultaneously)
			print '>-< insertion done'
	return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
	proxy.filter_request = filter_request
	proxy.filter_response = filter_response