
Neutralinojs design resources for promotions and referencing

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Neutralinojs design resources for promotions and referencing


For referencing and promoting the Neutralinojs framework, please use the following names:

  • Neutralinojs (Not NeutralinoJS or NeutralinoJs)
  • Neutralino.js (This refers to the client-library, but we would like to use it like Node.js, Electron.js, etc.)
  • Neutralino

As a shortname or nickname, we typically call it, Njs or Neu.

Referencing guide

  • Use the main repository link for technical contexts (i.e., Technical articles, blog posts, and forum posts)
  • Use the official website link for generic or promotional use cases (i.e., Social media posts, graphical materials, and videos)


Logo design credits: IconsPng. Copyright free as mentioned in their website.


Browse more animation formats and designs from here.
Animation design credits: Sainath Rao Pathange.
Copyright: Neutralinojs, IconsPng (For the logo design), and Sainath Rao Pathange

