
command line test not working on MacOS

yuechenw213 opened this issue · 2 comments

when trying to run npm test on macOS , there is an error log
./scripts/ line 51: xvfb-run: command not found
as I known xvfb-run is not a command for macOS, so it doesn't work

referring to #139, since it is only supposed to run on ubuntu, maybe disable npm test for other systems will bring clearer expectations to users.

As discussed earlier with other members of org, the current implementation of tests is just a temporary one. There will be a new afresh test suite implemented in mocha-assert framework, probably soon. Till then, this could be either fixed by making it compatible with macOS or stop running it on other OS (I prefer the former)

The new test suite has been under development and now has been implemented partially. You can try it out, by pulling the latest source code. Please consider closing this issue.