
:x: NOT WORKING [old legacy app] - A simple HTML5 Weather app with a clichéd name

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple HTML5 Weather app with a clichéd name (because weather.bitbucket was taken).


Weathr takes advantage of the Geolocation API, due to this it is currently recommended that you view this app in a modern browser with the latest support such as Chrome, Canary or Firefox (until the kink has been ironed out).


There are a few simple steps steps to follow in order to install Weathr.


Weathr is built on FireShell Build Status by Todd Motto

Installation steps

  1. Install Node.js, Sass and Git on your machine. If you're a Windows user you'll also need to install Ruby.
  2. Install Grunt using npm install -g grunt-cli. You may need to use sudo in front of the Grunt install command to give it permissions. For Windows tips with Grunt checkout their FAQs.
  3. Fork/Clone/Download the Weathr repository into your machine, you should hopefully see all the files and folders.
  4. Navigate to the grunt-dev.command file and double-click it. This will open the Terminal and install the necessary node_modules folder, which are FireShell's dependencies. The grunt-dev.command file includes a sudo prefix so you'll need to enter your password to install.
  5. The grunt-dev.command should install all the dependencies, which you can check back to see in your folder, and then run the commands associated with FireShell, and automatically open a new FireShell project running on localhost:9000.
  6. From now on, just double-click the grunt-dev.command file to automatically run FireShell's Grunt tasks, it's setup using the following script to automatically cd you into the correct directory and run the necessary commands:
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
if [ ! -d node_modules ];then
    sudo npm install

more information about fireshell can be found in the documentation.


Future updates Weathr.

  • Convert all jQuery into vanilla JavaScript.
  • Integrate current location map. Use 3D flip transitions to make map appear to be on the back of the weather information screen.
  • Enable location lookup via input box.
  • Choose a suitable open source license.






Copyright (c) Tony Phipps 2014