This project is a solution to the coding challenge of Keleya.
npm install
# or
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
npx react-native run-ios
To run tests, use the following command:
npx detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug
Screen-shot testing has been implemented using Detox:
- The first time the test runs, it captures a screenshot of each step and stores it in
, which needs manual verification. - If the screenshot already exists (verified from previous tests), it compares the two screenshots with a 1% difference tolerance.
assets, components, navigation, redux, screens, theme, translations, utils
React navigation has been used for navigation. everything has been strictly typed and the navigation has been devided into seperate files making it more scalable and maintainable.
- routes: all the route names have been decleared and then read from here.
- screens: it contains an object with all the screens, and their options.
- paramList: All the screens' parameter types (for scalability) are defined here; for now, they are all set to Undefined because none of the screens have parameters.
- onboardingStack: The main stack navigator, but named this way for scalability (in case of expanding the app, it will be a part of the main navigator).
- useAppNavigation hook: a typed version of useNavigation hook.
redux has been used for managing the state within the app. I have used Redux toolkit to make things easier and more readable. because the app is just onboarding, I decided not to persist the app state to make testings easier.
Since there were no need to store data in the app, Im just gonna name what tools I would have used if I had to store data:
- non sensitive data: Async storage
- token and sensitive data: Expo SecureStore
- app state: Redux Persist
I have used i18next for handling translations. the app detects the device language and translates accordingly. app supports English and German. since we dont have Switch language option in the app, I decided not to persist the language choice and its dependent on the device language.
Just like the real keleya app, I have added animation for header image and it fades when keyboard opens. for this purpose I have used React Native Reanimated