
This program will crop event files by writing only a specified array size to a new file. Much of the code design was ported from NXconvert. shrinkeventfile makes assumptions based on the structure of files at SNS and may or may not work for event file from other places.

Quickstart (w/ Docker)

docker build -t myshrink .
docker run -v $(pwd):/data myshrink shrinkeventfile /data/infile.nxs /data/outfile.nxs


Here you can setup a Docker container to work in:

docker build -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.ubuntu_bionic_test_single_python -t myshrink-dev .
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app-dev myshrink-dev bash

NOTE: To "live edit" the application (synced with the host), switch to the /app-dev directory inside the container

Run tests

docker run  myshrink-dev pytest tests/

Coverage report with lines listed that are NOT yet tested

docker run  myshrink-dev pytest --cov-report term-missing  --cov=shrinkeventfile/ tests/