- These are the VHDL files for our implementation of Grant Searle's Multicomp Retro-Computer.
- Grant's projects re-create late 1970's and early 1980's era vintage computers using inexpensive FPGA cards.
- Our RetroComputing Wiki page is here.
The different folders here reflect the hardware that we have got Multicomp running on. Some of these designs are Land Boards and others are based on commercial products.
- Land Boards EP2C5-DB FPGA Retro-Computer card
- Attaches to EP4CE6E22C8N FPGA Board
- Duplicates Grant's design down to the same pin maps
- Land Boards BASE-EP4CE6 card is a breakout board that cables up to the Land Boards EP2C5-DB card
- Adds extra logic and RAM resources beyond the EP2C5 FPGA
- Can do up to 16K of Internal SRAM
- Wiring is here
- Adds extra logic and RAM resources beyond the EP2C5 FPGA
- Purchased EP4 FPGA card
- Includes VGA, PS/2 and USB-Serial converter
- Other I/O is serious limitation but a 16K retro machine without SD Card storage can easily be built
- Land Boards RETRO-EP4 design
- 512K Fast SRAM
- FTDI USB-to-Serial Interface with Hardware Handshake
- 6-bit (3/3/3) VGA
- PS/2 connector
- 5V Power Module
- Lot of I/O connections
- Retrobrewing Multicomp forum - covers Neal Crooks's 6809 based extensions as well as various hardware builds
- Neal Crook's page is here
- Some of these files such as FPGA designs and software libraries were created by others.
- There may be newer versions of these libraries "out there".
- Some libraries even have the same names but don't work the same.
- Many of these files were created by me based on the work of others.
- Use at your own risk.
- If you brick your part or it melt to a puddle, it's on you not me.