It Manages WireGuard® so You Don't Have To
This is the client for Netmaker networks. To learn more about Netmaker, see here.
Join a network
With Token:
netclient join -t <token>
With User (Basic Auth):
netclient join -n <net name> -u <username> -s api.<netmaker domain>
With User (SSO):
netclient join -n <net name> -s api.<netmaker domain>
Netmaker's netclient agent and CLI to manage wireguard networks
Join, leave, connect and disconnect from netmaker wireguard networks.
netclient [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
connect connect to a netmaker network
daemon netclient daemon
disconnect disconnet from a network
gui Starts Netclient GUI
help Help about any command
install install netclient binary and daemon
join join a network
leave leave a network
list display list of netmaker networks
pull get the latest node configuration
uninstall uninstall netclient
version Displays version information
--config string use specified config file
-h, --help help for netclient
-v, --verbosity int set loggin verbosity 0-4
Use "netclient [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For more information on the GUI, check here
WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.
Netmaker's source code and all artifacts in this repository are freely available. All versions are published under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), version 1, which can be found here: LICENSE.txt.