
Custom Error Message Rails plugin

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Custom Error Message

This plugin gives you the option to not have your custom validation error message
prefixed with the attribute name. Ordinarily, if you have, say:

    validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => 'Please accept the terms of service'

You'll get the following error message:

    Accepted terms Please accept the terms of service

This plugin allows you to omit the attribute name for specific messages. All you have to do
is begin the message with a '^' character. Example:

    validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => '^Please accept the terms of service'
Nigel Ramsay added the ability to specify a proc to generate the message.

    validates_presence_of :assessment_answer_option_id, 
      :message => Proc.new { |aa| "#{aa.label} (#{aa.group_label}) is required" }

    which gives an error message like: Rate (Accuracy) is required


Redefine the ActiveRecord::Errors::full_messages method:
 Returns all the full error messages in an array. 'Base' messages are handled as usual.
 Non-base messages are prefixed with the attribute name as usual UNLESS 
(1) they begin with '^' in which case the attribute name is omitted.
    E.g. validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => '^Please accept the terms of service'
(2) the message is a proc, in which case the proc is invoked on the model object.
    E.g. validates_presence_of :assessment_answer_option_id, 
    :message => Proc.new { |aa| "#{aa.label} (#{aa.group_label}) is required" }
    which gives an error message like:
    Rate (Accuracy) is required



Bugs & feedback

Please send bug reports, patches and feedback to David Easley at easleydp@gmail.com