Custom Error Message ==================== This plugin gives you the option to not have your custom validation error message prefixed with the attribute name. Ordinarily, if you have, say: validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => 'Please accept the terms of service' You'll get the following error message: Accepted terms Please accept the terms of service This plugin allows you to omit the attribute name for specific messages. All you have to do is begin the message with a '^' character. Example: validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => '^Please accept the terms of service' Nigel Ramsay added the ability to specify a proc to generate the message. validates_presence_of :assessment_answer_option_id, :message => { |aa| "#{aa.label} (#{aa.group_label}) is required" } which gives an error message like: Rate (Accuracy) is required Detail ------ Redefine the ActiveRecord::Errors::full_messages method: Returns all the full error messages in an array. 'Base' messages are handled as usual. Non-base messages are prefixed with the attribute name as usual UNLESS (1) they begin with '^' in which case the attribute name is omitted. E.g. validates_acceptance_of :accepted_terms, :message => '^Please accept the terms of service' (2) the message is a proc, in which case the proc is invoked on the model object. E.g. validates_presence_of :assessment_answer_option_id, :message => { |aa| "#{aa.label} (#{aa.group_label}) is required" } which gives an error message like: Rate (Accuracy) is required Download -------- Bugs & feedback --------------- Please send bug reports, patches and feedback to David Easley at