
⬇️ Download files using PHP and cURL.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Stand With Ukraine


PHPUnit Code Coverage Latest Stable Version License

⬇️ Download files using PHP and cURL.

✅ Requirements

  • PHP 7.1 or newer

🔌 Installation

Install the package via Composer:

composer require nevadskiy/downloader

🔨 Usage

Downloading a file by URL to the specified path:

use Nevadskiy\Downloader\CurlDownloader;

$downloader = new CurlDownloader();
$downloader->download('https://example.com/files/books.zip', __DIR__.'/storage/books.zip');

☕ Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing. Please see CONTRIBUTING for more information.

📜 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.

🔨 To Do List

  • windows support