
GA and potentially mpi and slurm

Primary LanguageC


this code is an attempt at a GA libarary (and example usage) that can be used by provifing an implementation to the functions and data types in genetics.h

types: DNA rank_t


rank_t fitness(DNA d);
DNA MakeRandomDNA();
DNA MakeKid(DNA a,DNA b);
DNA Mutate(DNA d);
void freeDNA(DNA d); //if DNA is on the heap
DNA CloneDNA(DNA d)  //if DNA is on the heap
int SerializeDNA(const DNA d,char** data);  //if DNA is on the heap AND the build is an mpi build
DNA DeserializeDNA(char* data,int length);  //if DNA is on the heap AND the build is an mpi build

these should be provided in user_gene.h and implemented in user_gene.c for DNA thats a stack object simply #define STACK_DNA

GA and potentially mpi and slurm


valgrind --suppressions=mpi-suppressions.supp mpirun -np 4 ./mpi


inital tests showed that runing with only 4/6 processes was signifctly better (speed wise) than 24. this is because killing everything takes time. there is probably a good way to just kill all children I need to figure it out

since I set it as a constant number of runs using more processes means pools are less mature. it may be worth while to change this in the future