
Data on performances of Latin school drama in Croatia

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Records of Latin drama in Croatia

TEI XML encoded bibliography of performances of Latin drama in regions of modern Croatia, freely available under a CC-BY license.

The files edited here are published as a BaseX XML database. There are some facets to explore. Here is a record for an individual drama performance. Here is the bibliography from our main source, a Repertoire of Croatian drama.

This repository exists both in its Git and Mercurial version.


  • The TEI XML records are in data directory
  • The scripts are in scripts
  • Documentation and scholarship is in docs

How to use

Download the files or clone the repository.

Download the files

  • From Mercurial repository on Bitbucket: go to Download repository
  • From Git repository on Github: go to Releases and select the most recent one

With Git

With Mercurial

Current state

On 2018-06-20 the collection contains:

  • records on 686 performances from the end of 11th century until 1805
  • a special sub-project on Japan on the Jesuit stage


  • Neven Jovanović (nevenjovanovic), Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; orcid.org/0000-0002-9119-399X