
XML texts of Croatian Latin authors (published as CroALa digital collection)

Primary LanguageXQueryCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Croatiae auctores Latini - texts


TEI XML encoded Latin texts from the Croatiae auctores Latini collection, freely available under a CC-BY license.

The files edited here are published as a PhiloLogic 4 collection CroALa.

There is also a BaseX XML database (see an earlier analysis in Quadrata rotundis paper). The BaseX XML db of CroALa is published through own simple text publishing and searching system on the CroALa site: CroALa CDB. For XQuery scripts, see the directories croalabro and croalabro-xqm.

  • Address of this Git repo: on Github


  • The TEI XML texts are in txts directory
  • The word counts for files are in croala-wordcounts.xml
  • The scripts for a text publishing and searching system: croalabro and croalabro-xqm
  • The reading versions of documents are transformed from TEI XML source to XHTML in oXygen (with an additional XSL script: html-add-class.xsl) and served as static files in the local directory basex/webapp/static/
  • The CSS framework used is Chota
  • Additional scripts for the BaseX XML database: xq
  • The ODD and RNG validation: schemas
  • The oXygen project file is croalaproject.xpr

How to use

Download the files or clone the repository.

Download the files

  • From Git repository on Github: go to Releases and select the most recent one

With Git

Create the DB and the publishing system


Current state of the collection

On 2024-02-04 the collection contains:

  • 553 TEI XML documents
  • 5,718,422 words in texts (metadata and encodings are not counted)


  • Neven Jovanović (nevenjovanovic), Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; orcid.org/0000-0002-9119-399X