
A collection of Latin texts praising cities in Renaissance Dalmatia; lemmatized, annotated

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Laudationes urbium Dalmaticarum - texts

TEI XML encoded Latin texts from the Laudationes urbium Dalmaticarum collection, freely available under a CC-BY license.

The files edited here are published as a PhiloLogic collection.

A small subset of texts was annotated with LiLa lemmata URIs thanks to the support of the ERC project Architectural Culture of the Early Modern Eastern Adriatic (AdriArchCult).


  • The TEI XML texts are in data directory
  • The markdown versions are in markdown directory
  • The tokenized and normalized files are in normalized directory
  • The tokenized, normalized, and lemmatized TEI XML files annotated with LiLa URIs and lemmata are in norm-tok-lem-w-lila-lemmata directory
  • Indices verborum et partium orationis are in laurdal-lila (HTML versions in static)
  • Sources and PDF of handout for a talk CroALa (LaUrDal) texts and LiLa Lemma Bank (LiLa Closing Event, Milan, 26 May 2023) are in laurdal-lila/latex-handout
  • RDF Turtle files lemmatized using LiLa Linking Latin are in ttl directory
  • Various XQuery scripts to transform and analyze the files are in scripts
  • Texts added later to LaUrDal are in additamenta
  • Simplified encodings of LaUrDal texts are in simplified

How to use

Download the files or clone the repository.

Adapt the scripts to create databases and manipulate files as needed.


  • Neven Jovanović (nevenjovanovic), Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; orcid.org/0000-0002-9119-399X

This repository is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (GA n. 865863 ERC-AdriArchCult).