
🎓 Leetcode solutions

Primary LanguageJava

LeetCode user never-sleeps

  1. №1. Two sum (easy) — solution
  2. №2. Add Two Numbers (medium) — solution
  3. №3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (medium) — solution
  4. №9. Palindrome Number (easy) — solution
  5. №13. Roman To Integer (easy) — solution
  6. №14. Longest Common Prefix (easy) — solution
  7. №20. Valid Parentheses (easy) — solution
  8. №21. Merge Two Sorted Lists (easy) — solution.
  9. №26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (easy) — solution.
  10. №27. Remove Element (easy) — solution.
  11. №28. Implement strStr() (easy) — solution.
  12. №35. Search Insert Position (easy) — solution.
  13. №799. Champagne Tower (medium) — solution
  14. №278. First Bad Version (easy) — solution.
  15. №5. Longest Palindromic Substring (medium) — solution
  16. №141. Linked List Cycle (easy) — solution
  17. №138. Copy List with Random Pointer (medium) — solution
  18. №71. Simplify Path (medium) — solution
  19. №881. Boats to Save People (medium) — solution
  20. №1029. Two City Scheduling (medium) — solution
  21. №344. Reverse String (easy) — solution.
  22. №680. Valid Palindrome II (easy) — solution.
  23. №31. Next Permutation (medium) — solution
  24. №1721. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (medium) — solution
  25. №11. Container With Most Water (medium) — solution
  26. №923. 3Sum With Multiplicity (medium) — solution
  27. №1046. Last Stone Weight (easy) — solution.
  28. №703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream (easy) — solution.
  29. №347. Top K Frequent Elements (medium) — solution
  30. №682. Baseball Game (easy) — solution.
  31. №1260. Shift 2D Grid (easy) — solution.
  32. №289. Game of Life (medium) — solution
  33. №59. Spiral Matrix II (medium) — solution
  34. №700. Search in a Binary Search Tree (easy) — solution.
  35. №669. Trim a Binary Search Tree (medium) — solution
  36. №538. Convert BST to Greater Tree (medium) — solution
  37. №897. Increasing Order Search Tree (easy) — solution.

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