- 0
Where is everyone this time?
#2596 opened by devries - 0
Domain parking page
#2590 opened by jeffallen - 0
- 0
Add a tagline or summary of the pledge
#2588 opened by aschrijver - 24 doesn't have working HTTPS
#46 opened by KellerFuchs - 6 is down
#2586 opened by strugee - 1
- 2
please collect follow-up contact info
#1856 opened by brahn - 2
Add translations
#792 opened by BubuAnabelas - 5
- 6
Why not make it global?
#342 opened by stuartpb - 1
Vague wording on data collection/retention
#961 opened by bbangert - 7
Why isn't american history not included in this?
#889 opened by Licenser - 8
- 5
Is it https or http?
#1558 opened by rakibtg - 2
- 5
Consider asking projects & companies to exclusively hire pleged engineers
#1124 opened by danielquinn - 1
Add more groups to Volunteering suggestions
#1501 opened by pkkim - 3
Should I sign if I'm a student with no formal job?
#1376 opened by strugee - 3
Add a license
#487 opened by nicolasmaia - 15
- 21
Consider generating index.html from another file
#400 opened by mezz - 0