To download and help compute Necto the community bot, first make sure you have downloaded:
- Rocket League
- bakkesmod
- python >=3.8
- git
- clone repo
- start cmd as admin
- create symlink to repo\training\training repo\training (mklink /D path\to\repo\training\training path\to\repo\training)
- close cmd
- open repo\training in windows explorer or non-admin cmd
- Run runDistributedWorker.bat
- enter your name + server ip + server password
when asked for the IP and password, dm Soren and he'll fill you in.
This is Necto, the RLGym community bot. It's a bot that's learning to play 1's, 2's, and 3's thanks to RLGym. Rocket League is a hard game though so we're all working together to give it the experience it needs.
Yes! Check out our YouTube stream here.
Graphs are also available for our fellow nerds.