
Modulating sycophancy in llama-2 via activation steering, now with quantization

Primary LanguagePython

Sycophancy Activation Steering


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then create a .env file with the following variables (see .env.example):

CLAUDE_API_KEY=api_key_for_claude (optional, only needed for LLM-enabled eval)

Available commands

# Format datasets for generating steering vector and testing effect
python make_datasets.py --generate_test_split 0.8 --anthropic_custom_split 0.6 --n_datapoints 1200
# Generate steering vectors and optionally save full activations
python generate_vectors.py --layers 15 20 25 --save_activations
# Optionally, plot projected activations
python plot_activations.py --activations_pos_file activations/activations_pos_15_Llama-2-7b-hf.pt --activations_neg_file activations/activations_neg_15_Llama-2-7b-hf.pt --fname activations_proj_15_Llama-2-7b-hf.png --title "Activations layer 15"
# Apply steering vectors to model and test effect (--type can by one of "in_distribution", "out_of_distribution", "truthful_qa"), (--few_shot can be one of "positive", "negative", "unbiased", "none")
python prompting_with_steering.py --type in_distribution --layers 15 20 25 --multipliers -1.5 -1 0 1 1.5 --few_shot positive
# Plot results of activation steering experiment (use same arguments as the experiment)
python plot_results.py --type in_distribution --layers 15 20 25 --multipliers -1.5 -1 0 1 1.5 --few_shot positive

Full replicable experiments

Scripts that can be run to replicate the experiments are in the scripts/ folder. Run ./scripts/generate_all_vectors.sh first to generate steering vectors.

Analysis / charts

analysis/ contains scripts for Claude-enabled eval of out-of-distribution steering

Running tests

I have added a few unit tests for some of the utility functions. To run them, simply run:
