
Some most commonly asked and MUST DO practice problems to crack Product-based Company Interviews.


Day 1: 15/03/2021

  1. Sort a stack using recursion
  2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/recursive-insertion-sort/
  3. Sort elements by frequency by hashmap approach

Day 2: 16/03/2021

  1. Partition arrays into 2 sets such that difference is minimum
  2. Subset sum problem

Day 3: 17/03/2021

  • Design Questions (gfg)
  1. Stack using two queues
  2. Queue using two stack
  3. Ternary Search
  4. Binary Heap Operations
  5. LRU cache
  6. Trie | (Insert and Search)

Day 4: 18/03/2021

  • Algorithms
  1. Bubble Sort
  2. Insertion Sort
  3. Selection Sort
  4. Merge Sort
  5. Quick Sort
  6. Heap Sort
  7. Count Sort
  8. Kadane Algorithm
  9. Minimum Spanning Tree
  10. Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm
  11. Floyd Warshall
  12. Bellman Ford Algorithm
  13. Rabin-Karp Algorithm
  14. KMP algorithm
  15. Z Algorithm
  16. Huffman Decoding

Day 5: 19/03/2021

  • Revision of design and algorithms section
  • march long challenge codechef editorial
  • Tough questions: KMP Algo and Z algo: DO again

Day 6: 20/03/2021

  • Backtracking questions
  1. Word Boggle – 1
  2. Rat in a Maze Problem
  3. Largest number in K swaps

Day 7: 21/03/2021

  1. Zig zag array
  2. print all squares between l and r(trick used)
  3. find the length of largest subarray having sum atmost k (Goldman sachs ques)
  4. Basic DFS
  5. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-number-up-to-n-whose-modulus-with-x-is-equal-to-y-modulo-x/