Lingua Mzansi

This is a Q&D test of on South African languages.

I initially ran tests on a single sentence translated to the languages that I know. I'd like to test out subtle differences between Zulu and Xhosa, Tswana and Sotho (I suspect Sepedi is classified as 'Sotho' too).


You might have to be familiar with the Rust language, but to make things easy:

  1. Go to, and follow the guide on installing Rust (stable is fine)
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Run cargo run --release

cargo is the package manager and code builder (think of it as equivalent to npm or cmake). The --release flag tells the compiler to optimise the binary being created, otherwise this might feel slow.


Sample Output

The initial commits tested this with a sentence "Our king is very wise", translated to Afrikaans, Sotho, Tswana, Xhosa and Zulu.

// test 1
let detected_language: Option<Language> = detector.detect_language_of("Kgosi ya rona e botlhale thata");
println!("The detected language is {:?}", detected_language);
assert_eq!(detected_language, Some(Tswana));

// test 2
let detected_language: Option<Language> = detector.detect_language_of("Morena oa rona o bohlale haholo");
println!("The detected language is {:?}", detected_language);
assert_eq!(detected_language, Some(Sotho));

// test 3
let detected_language: Option<Language> = detector.detect_language_of("Ons koning is baie wys");
println!("The detected language is {:?}", detected_language);
assert_eq!(detected_language, Some(Afrikaans));

// test 4
let detected_language: Option<Language> = detector.detect_language_of("Ukumkani wethu ulumke kakhulu");
println!("The detected language is {:?}", detected_language);
assert_eq!(detected_language, Some(Xhosa));

// test 5
let detected_language: Option<Language> = detector.detect_language_of("Inkosi yethu ihlakaniphe kakhulu");
println!("The detected language is {:?}", detected_language);
assert_eq!(detected_language, Some(Zulu));

The output of the run is:

     Running `target\release\lingua-mzansi.exe`
The detected language is Some(Tswana)
The detected language is Some(Sotho)
The detected language is Some(Afrikaans)
The detected language is Some(Xhosa)
The detected language is Some(Zulu)