
Run these scripts after you have installed Xcode and the Command line tools and Macports to set up everything you need to build the Ps3toolchain

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These are scripts to add all the ports to macports that are needed to build the ps3toolchain on 10.6.7 or any version

of OsX that you can get Xcode 3.2.6 with the 10.4 sdk installed on. Not all the ports from Macports are correct or work with

ps3toolchain. The second script Xtra-psl1ght.sh are different sources that need to be installed. Xtra-psl1ght.sh does download

compile and install all of what you need. There is also a simple script that will Set the ps3dev environment.

So first Run Psl1ght-Macports.sh with sudo, in terminal: sudo sh Psl1ght-Macports.sh

Then run the second script with sudo as well, in terminal: sudo sh Xtra-psl1ght.sh

Then to set the ps3dev environment in terminal: source SetEnvPs3.sh