
My low-quality and poor-performance codes submitted to several online judges, such as ZeroJudge, GreenJudge, UVa, TIOJ, AtCoder, CSES problem set, LeetCode, Codeforces & Google Kick Start.

Primary LanguageC++


My low-quality and poor-performance codes submitted to several online judges, such as ZeroJudge, GreenJudge, UVa and TIOJ.

hello, world

This is the repo in which I restore my poorly-written, low-quality and awful-performance codes which were submitted to several online judges, inclusive of ZeroJudge, GreenJudge, UVa Online Judge and TIOJ INFOR Online Judge.



Approximately 482 Accepted, ranking at 149th (2/3, 2021)

ZeroJudge, commonly abbreviated ZJ, is one of the most popular Chinese OJ in Taiwan. It was ZJ that was the very first online judge I engaged in, the outset of my voyage in competitive programming. I signed up on 12/31, 2018, receiving my first Accept on 01:01 01/01, 2019:) .




Approximately 221 Accepted, ranking at 45th (2/3, 2021)

GreenJudge, unexceptionally known as GJ as above, is the online judge of Tai-Chuang Girls' High School, which not only has appropriate order of problems for beginners but also contains several years' problems of Regional High School Programming Contest in Tai-Chunag and Chuang-Hua. I solved my first problem on this judge on 5/1, 2019, which was the first day of Reiwa Era (㋿).

Nevertheless, the version of g++ compiler there is a bit out-dated. The C++ standard is obsolete C++98, which means you cannot use unoredered_set/map containers, range-based for loop, auto type, initialization list, lambda function, et cetra.

UVa Online Judge


UVa Online Judge is probably the oldest and the most well-known online judge throughout the world. I suggest beginners do the exercise in Rujia Liu's book or follow the list by Steven Halim's Competitive Programming. In addition, uHunt is a good site which can assist you to find plenty of problems.

TIOJ INFOR Online Judge


TIOJ, a intriguing recursive acronym of TIOJ INFOR Online Judge (formerly standing for Temporary INFOR Online Judge), is the online judge of INFOR, a club in Chien Kuo High School. It is a modern, cozy and fast online judge above all. Futhermore, TIOJ is composed of a great amount of high-quality problems. Here is a widely-praised learning resource for those who are eager to refine and sharpen their skills of data structures and algorithms.


AP325 is a tutorial written by retired CCU Prof. Bang-Ye, Wu which aims at assisting students to improve thiercapability of programming and grade of APCS (Advanced Placement Computer Science). This tutorial is full of classic and well-designed problems as well as problems appearing in prevous APCS or NHSPC. They are available on TCFSH CIRC Judge now.


AtCoder is a renowned Janpanese competitive programming platform, holding beginner, regular and grand contests. I've been participating AtCoder Beginner Contests mostly every week. Yet currrently my rating is stuck.

CSES Problem Set

CSES Problem Set is a comprehensive collection of high-quality, classical competitive programming problems held by Antti Laaksonen, a CS professor in University of Helsinki. He also wrote a book named Competitive programmer's Handbook.


LeetCode is an online judge aimed at preparing one for technical interviews. As a consequence, the difficulity of its problems is not so hard. In addition, it also has some contest. This is my user page.


NTHU OJ is a OJ for CS department, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan). It has been stop the registration for those who doesn't take a relatd CS course since 2021 spring, the semester before I enrolled in, due to some traffic and loading problems.

Nonetheless, the smoothness and stability of NTHU OJ are still not so reliable. Therefore, Introduction to Programming Ⅱ by professor Hwann-Tzong, Chen had its own OJ.

For those who is insterested in my solution to the problems of Introduction to Programming by prof. Chen, you might search for the problem tittle, which usually would be the commit message.

Google Kick Start

Google Kick Start is part of programming competitions by Google. Just like its name, in contrast to Code Jam, it's more oriented to the beginners. Kick Start now has 8 independent rounds per year, each of which is usually takes place on a Sunday at the end of month in different time zone.

Furthermore, there are also 3 Coding Practice with Kick Start Session every year, in which participants are not ranked and have about 3 or 4 days to solve some problems.


ITSA is a project by Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Its online judge collected several past years of National Collegiate Programming Contest (Taiwan) and ICPC Asia regional contests hosted in Taiwan.


Codeforces might be the most well-known competitive programming platform throughout the world, running contests from division 4 to 1. Div. 4 round are a bit too easy for me, and I found that Div. 3 is most suitable for me now. This is my profile.