Principles of Programming Assignment: Project


Implement a language E interpreter following project.pdf.

Cellular Automaton

Implement the functions in src/main/scala/impl, which are currently left blank as ???


WARNING:Please read the restrictions below carefully.

If you do not follow these, your submission will not be graded.

    • You can ONLY modify the functions with ??? in src/main/scala/impl
    • Your code will not be compiled if you modify any of the codes other than ???.
  • Do not use the keyword var (except we've already given). Use val and def instead.
  • Do not use mutable data structures.
    • You can see useful data structures from this link: Scala 3 Collections
    • From the above link, you are forbidden to use the classes in scala.collection.mutable.
  • Do not use while.

Again, your score will be zero if you do not follow these rules.

How to test your code

sbt run # run a REPL of language E
sbt test # test TestSuite.scala

We will offer test cases (TestSuite.scala) until 11/30.

How to Submit

  • For all assignments, we will test your code only with the given files in src/main/scala directory.
  • All the additional files you've created will be lost!!
  • We will check git logs of the main branch, and grade the latest commit before the due date.
git add src
git commit -m 'Write some meaningful message'
git push

Due date

  • 2023/12/13 23:59:59 KST


  • Branch errata is protected. If any correction would be appeared on the code, I will update errata branch.
  • If you find any ambiguity from the description, write an issue to the GitHub issue tracker.