
update-golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion

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update-golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion.

Table of Contents

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How it works

This is the default behavior:

1. The script uses local system OS and ARCH to download the correct binary release. It is not harmful to run the script multiple times. Downloaded releases are kept as cache under '/usr/local'. You can erase them manually.

2. The release is installed at '/usr/local/go'.

3. The path '/usr/local/go/bin' is added to PATH using '/etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh'.

4. Only if needed, GOROOT is properly setup, also using '/etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh'.

You can customize the behavior by setting environment variables (see Customization below).


git clone https://github.com/udhos/update-golang
cd update-golang
sudo ./update-golang.sh


Before running the script, make sure you have an untampered copy by verifying the SHA256 checksum.

$ wget -qO hash.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/udhos/update-golang/master/update-golang.sh.sha256
$ sha256sum -c hash.txt
update-golang.sh: OK


$ sudo ./update-golang.sh
update-golang.sh: version 0.8
update-golang.sh: user: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
update-golang.sh: SOURCE=https://storage.googleapis.com/golang
update-golang.sh: DESTINATION=/usr/local
update-golang.sh: RELEASE=1.8.3
update-golang.sh: OS=linux
update-golang.sh: ARCH_PROBE=uname -m
update-golang.sh: ARCH=amd64
update-golang.sh: PROFILED=/etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh
update-golang.sh: CACHE=/usr/local
update-golang.sh: GOPATH=
update-golang.sh: DEBUG=
update-golang.sh: will install golang go1.8.3.linux-amd64 as: /usr/local/go
update-golang.sh: https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz is remote
--2017-06-26 17:56:13--  https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Resolving storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)...
Connecting to storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 90029041 (86M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘/usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz’

/usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz  100%[=========================================================================>]  85.86M  11.3MB/s    in 8.3s

2017-06-26 17:56:22 (10.4 MB/s) - ‘/usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz’ saved [90029041/90029041]

update-golang.sh: remove_old_link: found symlink for old install: /usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64
update-golang.sh: untar: rm_dir /usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64
update-golang.sh: untar: tar -x -f /usr/local/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
update-golang.sh: path: removing old settings from: /etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh
update-golang.sh: path: issuing new /usr/local/go/bin to /etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh
update-golang.sh: path: issuing /home/lab/go/bin to /etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh
update-golang.sh: golang go1.8.3.linux-amd64 installed at: /usr/local/go
update-golang.sh: testing: /usr/local/go/bin/go version
update-golang.sh: go version go1.8.3 linux/amd64
update-golang.sh: /usr/local/go/bin/go version: SUCCESS
update-golang.sh: testing: /usr/local/go/bin/go run /tmp/hello-tmpkm4kq4dB.go
update-golang.sh: hello, world
update-golang.sh: /usr/local/go/bin/go run /tmp/hello-tmpkm4kq4dB.go: SUCCESS
update-golang.sh: cleanup: /tmp/tmp.cDSO2HTGvV


These environment variables are available for customization:

SOURCE=https://storage.googleapis.com/golang ;# download location
DESTINATION=/usr/local                       ;# install destination
RELEASE=1.8.3                                ;# golang release
OS=linux                                     ;# os
ARCH_PROBE=uname -m                          ;# arch detection
ARCH=amd64                                   ;# arch
PROFILED=/etc/profile.d/golang_path.sh       ;# update PATH, optionally set GOROOT
CACHE=/usr/local                             ;# cache downloads


$ sudo RELEASE=1.9beta1 ./update-golang.sh

Per-user Install

Default behavior is to install Golang globally for all system users.

However you can use the environment variables to point locations to your per-user home directory.


This example will install Golang under ~/golang for current user only.

$ mkdir ~/golang
$ DESTINATION=~/golang PROFILED=~/.profile ./update-golang.sh