R package - Load, visualise and analyse daily updated data on the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany
Pinned issues
- 3
Feature Request: Age instead of RKI-Age-Groups?
#49 opened by Ohlsen - 1
#41 opened by nevrome - 2
- 2
Lack of lag of deaths
#44 opened by stschiff - 1
Download issues (Date parsing?)
#43 opened by stschiff - 0
International comparative data
#23 opened by stschiff - 0
- 2
- 5
- 1
sfheaders vs. sf
#33 opened by nevrome - 6
Implausible data (from RKI?)
#38 opened by wulms - 2
- 6
Error: Only strings can be converted to symbols
#36 opened by Uwe-B - 3
get_RKI_timeseries(): Date is NA!
#35 opened by wulms - 6
- 6
Why is the "Change from previous day" number reported by the RKI not equal to the last entry in "NumberNewTestedIll"?
#31 opened by slawomirmatuszak - 2
cronjob fails due to {sf} call
#30 opened by arne1921KF - 4
shiny app fails - FID not present in data
#29 opened by arne1921KF - 12
Error: Column `ObjectId` not found in `.data`
#28 opened by damson-mj - 3
provide raw data only
#26 opened by psteinb - 22
NA in `AnzahlTodesfall` today
#18 opened by psteinb - 3
Einige Landkreise fehlen seit 4/4/2020
#22 opened by Sandv - 3
Error due to timezone
#21 opened by stschiff - 2
- 1
- 2
Wirvsvirus logos
#7 opened by stschiff