
Extended animation utilities for Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tailwind CSS Animated

Extended animation utilities for Tailwind CSS (v3.1 and newer)


Install the plugin from npm:

npm i tailwindcss-animated

Then add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [


This plugin brings various utility classes as well as several ready-to-use CSS animations. Here are some simple examples:

<button class="animate-wiggle">
  Hej, look at me!

<button class="animate-jump-in animate-delay-300 animate-once">
  Wait a bit, then jump right in.

Ready-to-use animations

There are several animations that can be integrated with a single utility class. These extend the Spin, Ping and Pulse animations of Tailwind CSS.

Open the configurator to see them in action:

All animations can be customized with the utility classes below.


Class Properties
animate-duration-75 animation-duration: 75ms;
animate-duration-100 animation-duration: 100ms;
animate-duration-150 animation-duration: 150ms;
animate-duration-200 animation-duration: 200ms;
animate-duration-300 animation-duration: 300ms;
animate-duration-500 animation-duration: 500ms;
animate-duration-700 animation-duration: 700ms;
animate-duration-1000 animation-duration: 1000ms;


Class Properties
animate-delay-none animation-delay: 0ms;
animate-delay-75 animation-delay: 75ms;
animate-delay-100 animation-delay: 100ms;
animate-delay-150 animation-delay: 150ms;
animate-delay-200 animation-delay: 200ms;
animate-delay-300 animation-delay: 300ms;
animate-delay-500 animation-delay: 500ms;
animate-delay-700 animation-delay: 700ms;
animate-delay-1000 animation-delay: 1000ms;

Iteration Count

Class Properties
animate-infinite animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animate-once animation-iteration-count: 1;
animate-twice animation-iteration-count: 2;
animate-thrice animation-iteration-count: 3;


Class Properties
animate-normal animation-direction: normal;
animate-reverse animation-direction: reverse;
animate-alternate animation-direction: alternate;
animate-alternate-reverse animation-direction: alternate-reverse;

Timing Function

Class Properties
animate-ease-linear animation-timing-function: linear;
animate-ease-in animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1);
animate-ease-out animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
animate-ease-in-out animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);

Fill Mode

Class Properties
animate-fill-none animation-fill-mode: normal;
animate-fill-forwards animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animate-fill-backwards animation-fill-mode: backwards;
animate-fill-both animation-fill-mode: both;

Play State

Class Properties
animate-run animation-play-state: running;
animate-play animation-play-state: running;
animate-stop animation-play-state: paused;
animate-pause animation-play-state: paused;

Variant modifiers and breakpoints

All variants and breakpoints (hover, focus, lg, ...) work with animations und animation utility classes.

<div class="lg:hover:animate-shake motion-reduce:animate-none">
  <!-- ... -->

Arbitrary values

This plugin uses the Just-in-Time (JIT) engine, which allows you to create custom delay and duration properies on the fly by using square brackets.

<div class="animate-delay-[85ms] animate-duration-[2s]">
  <!-- ... -->

Customizing your theme

If you want to change some animations, extend your tailwind.config.js file:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      animationDelay: {
        275: '275ms',
        5000: '5s',
      animationDuration: {
        2000: '2s',
        'long': '10s',
        'very-long': '20s',
  plugins: [

Take a look at src/theme.js for the default settings.