
This is official Vue Storefront, native, Magento2 indexer

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Divante VueStorefrontIndexer Extension for Magento2

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This projects is a native, Magento2 data indexer for Vue Storefront - first Progressive Web App for e-Commerce. It fills the ElasticSearch data index with all the products, categories and static information required by Vue Storefront to work.

Note on mage2vuestorefront project: This native indexer updates the ElasticSearch index in the very same format like the mage2vuestorefront. Our intention was to speed up the indexation process and make it more reliable. With native indexer we were able to use the Magento2 ORM and events to optimize the indexation process. Please do use this module instead of mage2vuestorefront if You experience any issues regarding indexing performance. Both projects are currently supported.

Vue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce, possible to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API.

Video demo

See how it works! Sign up for a demo at https://vuestorefront.io/ (Vue Storefront integrated with Pimcore OR Magento2).


Version 1.5.0/1.5.1 - support for aliases.

Command php bin/magento vsbridge:reindex will reindex all data to new index. It will create new index and update aliases at the end.

If you used previous versions, you will have to delete index (created with this extension) from ES manually: If you won't do that, you will get error when running "error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"invalid_alias_name_exception","reason":"Invalid alias name [vue_storefront_magento_1], an index exists with the same name as the alias"

Installation/Getting Started

  • Install with composer
composer config repositories.divante vcs https://github.com/DivanteLtd/magento2-vsbridge-indexer
composer require divante/magento2-vsbridge-indexer
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Installation/Getting Started - MSI support

  • Install second module which will support MSI
composer require divante/magento2-vsbridge-indexer-msi:0.1.0

Not fully supported, few fields are exported to ES. From inventory indexer: -- qty => qty, -- is_salable => is_in_stock/stock_status


Website 1

    "sku": "24-MB01",
    "stock": {
      "qty": 100,
      "is_in_stock": false,
      "stock_status": 0

Website 2

    "sku": "24-MB01",
    "stock": {
      "qty": 73,
      "is_in_stock": true,
      "stock_status": 1
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Configure the module in Magento admin panel and run full indexation

Magento Configuration

Go to the new ‘Indexer’ section (Stores → Configuration → Vuestorefront → Indexer), available now in the in the Magento Panel, and configure it in the listed areas:

  1. General settings → Enable VS Bridge

    Enable to export data to elasticsearch. By default indexing is disable.

  2. General settings → List of stores to reindex

    Select stores for which data must be exported to ElasticSearch. By default stores 0 to 1 are selected. For each store view, a new, separate ElasticSearch index is created.

  3. Elasticsearch Client

    Configure connection with ElasticSearch. Provide a host, port, and set up login and password (optionally).

  4. Indicies settings

    Batch Indexing Size → select size of packages by which you intend to send data to ElasticSrearch. Depending on the project you might need to adjust package size to the number of products, attributes, configurable products variation, etc). By default Batch, Indexing Size is set up for 1000. Indicies settings

    Index Alias Prefix → define prefixes for ElasticSearch indexes. The panel allows adding prefix only to the catalog name e.g.: "vue_storefront_catalog". For each store (store view) index name is generated on the base of defined prefix and either ID or Store Code. Aliases cannot be created. Example: When we define following indexes: "vue_storefront_catalog_1", "vue_storefront_catalog_2", "vue_storefront_catalog_3".

    Note: change to "vue_storefront_catalog" to make it compatible with mage2vuestorefront import.

    Important: It is crucial to update this configuration in the VSF and VSF-API (one change at the beginning of the whole configuration process).

    Index Identifier → defines the unique store identifier to append to the ElasticSearch indexes. The default value is ID which will append the Store ID to the index name e.g.: "vue_storefront_catalog_1". You can choose to change this to Store Code which will add the Store Code to the index name e.g.: "vue_storefront_catalog_storecode".

    Add Index Identifier to Default Store View → defines if we should add Index Identifier to Magento Default Store View. Select "No" - to make it compatible with mage2vuestorefront import.

    ####Example with Store ID

    "vue_storefront_magento_1" - index for store view with id 1

    VSF config (base on default index prefix name: vue_storefront_magento)

    "elasticsearch": {
      "httpAuth": "",
      "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
      "index": "vue_storefront_magento_1"

    VSF-API config

      "elasticsearch": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 9200,
        "user": "elastic",
        "password": "changeme",
        "indices": [

    ####Example with Store Code

    "vue_storefront_magento_en_us" - index for store view with code "en_us"

    VSF config (base on default index prefix name: vue_storefront_magento)

    "elasticsearch": {
      "httpAuth": "",
      "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
      "index": "vue_storefront_magento_en_us"

    VSF-API config

      "elasticsearch": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 9200,
        "user": "elastic",
        "password": "changeme",
        "indices": [

  5. Redis Cache Settings

    Clear cache → No/Yes (by default this option is disabled)

    VSF base Url → URL for VSF

    Invalidate Secret cache key → provide the same value as in the VSF configuration

    Connection timeout → by default set up for 10 seconds

  6. Catalog Settings

    Use Catalog Url Keys → by default this option is disabled. Use Magento Url Key attribute for url_key and slug field (for products and categories). Url Keys have to be unique

    Use Magento Url Key and ID to generate slug for VSF -> by default slug (and url_key) field is generated base on product/category NAME and ID

    Sync Tier Prices → by default this option is disabled. Used to sync products tier prices.

    Types of products to index → by default all product will be exported to ElasticSearch. This option allows for selecting certain product types that should be exported.

    Add swatches to product.configurable_options → by default No. Use to export information about swatches directly for a product type.

After updating the configuration, you can run the indexation. It is also worth query ElasticSearch using CURL, to be sure that the communication works.

Update VSF/VSF-API configuration

Important: It is crucial to update configuration elasticsearch.index in the VSF and elasticsearch.indices in VSF-API

Index Name Prefix → define prefixes for ElasticSearch indexes. The panel allows adding prefix only to the catalog name e.g.: vue_storefront_catalog. For each store (store view) index name is generated on the base of defined prefix and either ID or Store Code. Aliases cannot be created.
Example: When we define following indexes: vue_storefront_catalog_1, vue_storefront_catalog_2, "vue_storefront_catalog_3".

Index Identifier → defines the unique store identifier to append to the ElasticSearch indexes. The default value is ID which will append the Store ID to the index name e.g.: vue_storefront_catalog_1. You can choose to change this to Store Code which will add the Store Code to the index name e.g.: vue_storefront_catalog_storecode.

Example with Store ID

VSF config (base on default index prefix name: vue_storefront_magento)

"vue_storefront_magento_1" - index for store view with id 1

"elasticsearch": {
  "httpAuth": "",
  "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
  "index": "vue_storefront_magento_1" 

VSF-API config

  "elasticsearch": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 9200,
    "user": "elastic",
    "password": "changeme",
    "indices": [

Example with Store Code

VSF config (base on default index prefix name: vue_storefront_magento)

"vue_storefront_magento_en_us" - index for store view with code "en_us"

"elasticsearch": {
    "httpAuth": "",
    "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
    "index": "vue_storefront_magento_en_us" 

VSF-API config

  "elasticsearch": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 9200,
    "user": "elastic",
    "password": "changeme",
    "indices": [

Running the full indexation:

There are two options to run full indexations

  1. Indexation of new indexes.

In general, this indexation can be run in any order. It is worth, to begin with taxrule as it is the fastest.

php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_taxrule_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_attribute_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_product_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_category_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_cms_block_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_cms_page_indexer
php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbridge_review_indexer
  1. Reindexation of all indexes

Recommended for smaller databases. In the case of big databases it is better to run commands manually.

php bin/magento indexer:reindex


php bin/magento vsbridge:reindex --store=[STORE ID|STORE CODE]
php bin/magento vsbridge:reindex --store=1

Note: If a docker with ElasticSearch is disabled, Indexer will display error: "No alive nodes found in your cluster".

Update on Save Mode

Update on Save mode works for the following operations:

  • save/delete the product
  • save/delete the category
  • save/delete the static block
  • save/delete the static page
  • save/delete the attribute (deleting the attribute causes displaying “invalid” status for vsbridge products indexer).
  • save/delete the review

Update on Schedule Mode

Update on Schedule mode observes changes in corresponding tables, and probably will be more relevant in most cases. It is the default mode in any bigger stores.


-- Vue Storefront >= 1.4.4 Module was tested on: -- Magento Community version 2.2.7. It should perform without any issues on Magento 2.2.* and above versions.

-- Magento Commerce version 2.3.0. The bridge indexer cannot be installed on lower versions of Magento Enterprise.

-- You can install module on Magento 2.3.* Commerce, but you still need ES 5.* to export data. Module will work with library elasticsearch/elastichserach (5.*, 6.*)


  • add a limitation of the attributes (products, categories) sent to ElasticSearch
  • add a limitation of the categories sent to ElasticSearch, by adding new configurations: send only categories visible in the menu, send only active categories @Agata
  • add a new command allowing to enable/disable following indexes: CMS Block, CMS Page.
  • add an option to exclude the default Magento indexes (which do not impact new indexes operations)