
Jupyter notebook that demonstrates how to make a recommender system with courses in Chulalongkorn unversity

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Text Classification Chula course description

This repository is a part of the subject: 2147334 MACHINE LEARNING OR DEEP LEARNING

Getting start:

Google Colab:
Jupyter notebook:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up jupyter --build
Jupyter notebook with pytorch GPU support (Take longer to load):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up jupyter-pytorch --build


  1. Predict study programs by looking from course description
  2. (Optional) Use embedding from the best predictor to calculate course similarity and in the end create content-based recommender system.


  • Get courses data and study programfrom Academic Chula website
  • There are about 500 study programs, 20,000 coursesm and 26 faculties in Chulalongkorn university.
  • Use model that support course description embedding ex. TF-IDF, Neural network based model.
  • Use SHAP to interpret models' result


  • Train model to predict study programs and compare between TF-IDF + SVM, LSTM + Embedding layer, and Transformer based model. Have very ppor result - Early stopped
    • LSTM
    • TF-IDF + SVM
    • Thai2Fit + SVM
    • Attention based model
  • Add model notebook.
  • Add scrapper notebook.
  • Get study program data.
  • Get courses description data.
  • Preprocess courses description data.
  • Train model to predict faculty
    • LSTM
    • TF-IDF + SVM
    • Thai2Fit + SVM
    • Pretrained Attention based model (WangChanBERTA)
  • Create recommender system proof of concept from trained model