
art framework core

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Art Framework

Art framework is a client side toolkit.

Art framework aims to provide you a ready to use client side project development enviorment, packages of art framework encapsulate complex details, do dirty works for you, keeping you focus on your own code development.


Art framework is a toolkit containing a set of packages supporting different kinds client side application development.

  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR) Appliction (TODO)
  • Tencent Wechat Miniprogram (Under development)

Art framework provides art cli tool helping developer easily scaffolding application, jumping into detailed application code development quickly, without worrying about code compiling, packaging, deployment.


Single Page Application (SPA)

  1. Prerequisite Local Enviorment
  1. Install art-cli-tool

    Install art-cli-tool globally with yarn:

    yarn global add art-cli-tool


    Install art-cli-tool globally with npm:

    npm add art-cli-tool -g

    Check installed art-cli-tool version:

    art -v
  2. Make a new directory as project root

    For example:

    mkdir art-demo
    cd art-demo
  3. Scaffolding new project

    Art framework is frontend library agnostic, it's able to support most of common frontend libraries, like React, Vue, Angular and etc, with some easy extensions to art-webpack.

    Currently, Art framework SPA developemnt toolkit supports React + Typescript out of the box.

    art create project -s="react"

    Art cli tool will display several questions after you typed above command:

    • project name. Default is your directory name.

      It will be set as package.json name property.

    • project desc. Default is empty string.

      It will be set as package.json description property.

    • project virtual path. Default is empty string.

      Virtual path will be added to compiled code path.

      For example: module path is h5/home, project virtual path is app/react, the final compiled code will be stored at path app/react/h5/home.

    • module name. Default is empty string.

      The first module name. Supporting both single and multiple level module path. For example: home and campaign/201812/christmas.

    • What scaffold do you want to choice

      Select perferred scaffold type. Currently only react/h5 scaffold avaliable.

    After answering above questions, Art framework will automaticlly generate the initial ready to use project code.

  4. Install SPA related art packages

    With yarn:

    yarn add art-lib-common art-lib-react art-lib-utils art-server-mock art-webpack


    With npm:

    npm install art-lib-common art-lib-react art-lib-utils art-server-mock art-webpack
  5. Server module

    After initial scaffold code generation, the first module is ready to write code.

    art serve -m "home"
  6. Configure art.config.js

    Replacing webpack.output.intePublicPath, webpack.output.prodPublicPath with actual integrate testing environment url and production environment url.

    Giving dll.version a meaningful version string, for example: '20190522_v1'.

  7. Generate dll file

    art dll

    If dll file has been generated before and no new changes done to dll config, there is no need to generate dll file again.

  8. Configure module template file

    For example, art.config.js projectVirtualPath is app/react and dll.version is 20190522_v1, module template file dll file path should be:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.publicPath %>app/react/vendors/20190522_v1/art_framework.20190522_v1.js"></script>
  9. Build module

    When local module development fininshed, building source code.

    art build -m "home"

    A notice please chioce one environment to build will display, choicing Integrate Testing or Production, built files will be placed under debug or public directory respectively.

  10. Publish module

    art publish -m "home"