
TODO app with Ethereum Blockchain based backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TODO app with Ethereum Blockchain based backend. Based on the tutorial series by Eat the Blocks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZM8XQjNOyG2ElPpEUtNasA with the following updates so far.

  1. Using Solidity 0.4.22

Requirements (to be installed globally via NPM - rest can be found in package.json):

  • Ganache CLI (This is the blockchain we will connect to)
  • Truffle
  • Nodemon

Why I like this setup:

  • Back and Front ends in a single project
  • Using Web3.js via NPM
  • Using Webpack driven truffle-solidity-loader to load .sol files and automatically complile and load the abstraction into web3 whenever your .sol contracts change. This is very cool!