TMDb-shelf is a totally asynchronous JavaFX client written in Scala for The Movie Database (TMDb).
It is built heavily on :
TMDb-shelf is an EDLA project.
The purpose of is to promote the state of the art in various domains.
- Java 11 for compilation
- optional : mediainfo (in /usr/bin)
You will need an API key to The Movie Database to access the API. To obtain a key, follow these steps:
- Register for and verify an account.
- Log into your account
- Select the API section on left side of your account page.
- Click on the link to generate a new API key and follow the instructions.
Use jpackage at least version openjdk-17-ea+32
Example for linux:
- sbt assembly
- export JAVA_HOME=/FULL_PATH/openjdk-17-ea+32_linux-x64_bin/jdk-17
- $JAVA_HOME/bin/jpackage --type deb --name TMDb-shelf --input ./target/scala-2.13 --main-jar TMDb-shelf-assembly-x.y.z.jar --icon ./movie.png
for macOS: 3. jpackage --type dmg --name TMDb-shelf --input ./target/scala-2.13 --main-jar TMDb-shelf-assembly-x.y.z.jar --icon ./movie.icns
for Windows: 3. export PATH=$PATH:"/c/Program Files (x86)/WiX Toolset v3.11/bin" 4. jpackage.exe --type msi --name TMDb-shelf --input ./target/scala-2.13 --main-jar TMDb-shelf-assembly-x.y.z.jar --icon movie.ico
© 2014-2024 Olivier ROLAND. Distributed under the GPLv3 License.