G-Events and Maps api

npm install
npm run dev

events endpoint:

events from db


events from galvanize.com scraper


rooms endpoint:


CRUD routes /events

CREATE - add new events

/events method:POST

(expects an object without id)

READ - read events

/events/:id method:GET

UPDATE - update event

/events/:id method:PUT

(expects an object with id)

DELETE - delete event

/events/:id method:DELETE

CRUD routes /rooms

CREATE - add new rooms

/rooms method:POST

(expects an object without id)

READ - read rooms

/rooms/:id method:GET

UPDATE - update room

/rooms/:id method:PUT

(expects an object with id)

DELETE - delete room

/rooms/:id method:DELETE

server scope:

phase one

create express api endpoint

  • build scraper
  • scrape events data
  • create api end point
  • return events data as json
  • deploy

phase two

  • discuss /maps response structure so we can build the db to reflect this structure.
  • create db gevents
  • create events migration and test seed(so we start with data in the db),
  • create rooms migration and seed.
  • create CRUD routes and queries for /events and /rooms.
  • change events route to /events
  • sync the scraped data

front-end coordination

  • build maps component and link to /maps route
  • build map with image component
  • build floors component (LL, L3, L4 selectors)
  • build rooms component (dropdown list) * logic: will change the image to selected floor or room.