Music and Cocktails


Continuing my love for music and records, I created this app as a mock monthly record club that features 6 curated albums from different genres with a paired drink. The app allows you to see some info on the album and the paired drink as well as listen to the album on Spotify. In the future I would see the ability to buy the record and maybe a mixed drink package.

Technologies used

HTML, CSS, React.js, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL, Spotify API

Live Site

Click here to enjoy!

Backend Repos

Click here to see the backend repo. Click here to see the Spotify backend repo.




OAuth bridge template

This service logs in to Spotify and redirects the user to a given frontend application with a valid access_token as a parameter in the url.

Development mode

In development mode, it assumes you are running the frontend on localhost:3000, but the server itself will be running on localhost:8888.

In order to start developing, register a Spotify Application here:

On that page, add http://localhost:8888 as a callback url (don't forget to hit save at the bottom of the page)

Write the below commands in your terminal (replacing XXXX AND YYYY with your acutal client id and secret from the page where you registered your application)

npm start

Then go to http://localhost:8888/login in your browser. This will initiate the login flow and finally redirect to http://localhost:3000?access_token=ZZZZZ where ZZZZZ is a valid access token that you can use to do operations in the Spotify API.

Deploying to production

This template is indended to be deployed on Heroku. After installing the heroku CLI tools you can run the below commands in the same directory as server.js(replacing abc123, cba456, mybackend and myfrontend with your actual stuff - the below example assume that you already have your frontend running on

heroku create mybackend
heroku config:set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=abc123
heroku config:set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=cba456
heroku config:set REDIRECT_URI=
heroku config:set FRONTEND_URI=
git push heroku master

You should now be able to go to and it will eventually redirect to ZZZZZ is a valid access token that you can use to do operations in the Spotify API.
