
Shield eMGing LoRa V1.0 + Librería LMIC IBM para NODO LoRaWAN

Primary LanguageC

Shield eMGing LoRa 915Mhz - Node Configuration for Frequencies (AU915 MHz)

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eMGing.com.ar/ Youtube: https://goo.gl/5QtmC8 Web: http://www.eMGing.com.ar Mail: info@eMGing.com.ar

The Shield eMGing LoRa is an Arduino shield that provides the ability to function as either a LoRaWAN node, or a single channel LoRaWAN gateway. This documentation, and accompanying source code focusses solely on creating a development LoRaWAN node. The specific purpose of this repository (and guide) is to provide an example Shield device operating on the standardised LoRaWAN frequencies for Argentina... specifically the 915 MHz to 930 MHz frequency, more commonly known as AU915.

Quick Start

  1. Download this repo as a zip file
  2. Add library to Arduino IDE using add a zip file functionality
  3. Plug in Arduino with a eMGing LoRa Shield attached
  4. Optional: Edit source code /examples/Shield_eMGing_LoRa_AU915/Shield_eMGing_LoRa_AU915.ino file to send different output/add code for sensors etc.
  5. Select Upload to compile, then upload
  6. View device is functioning correctly by viewing serial output
  7. Done.

Argentina Frequencies

To operate LoRaWAN in Argentina, a device should use the radio frequencies specified by the LoRaWAN standard. This allows interoperation, as well as operating radio devices within the regulartions specified by the government. The standardised LoRaWAN frequencies for Argentina range from 915 MHz to 930 MHz frequency. In the world of LoRaWAN this standardisation is more commonly known as AU915. This information is documented in the official frequency plans: the LoRaWAN 1.0.2 Specification. More specifically, a companion document named LoRaWAN Regional Parameters outlines the frequencies for use in different countries.

AU915 allows for a total of 73 possible channels to use within the 915 MHz to 930 MHz frequency. Most LoRa networks in Argentina seem to have made a consensus to only use a specific portion of this, that is, a specific band of channels in the frequency range. The consensus is: use of channels 8 to 15 on the AU915 specification. This is also known as AU915 sub-band 2. This band in the specification that is implemented in the TTN server source code and is documented and distributed in the global_conf.json` gateway configuration file distributed by TTN. Furthermore, the TTN community has specified the AU915 frequencies and channels on their LoRaWAN Frequencies page. Therefore, this makes the channel choice logical for this project, as we want a legal and standardised LoRaWAN solution.

The entire point of the task is to get the eMGing LoRa Shield to operate in the specified AU915 frequency range, and specifically, sub-band 2. Therefore, it is first prudent to document the required channels and their respective properties. The table below displays the available upstream and downstream channels for AU915 sub-band 2.

Channel Direction Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Data Rate
8 up 916.8 125 DR0 - DR3
9 up 917.0 125 DR0 - DR3
10 up 917.2 125 DR0 - DR3
11 up 917.4 125 DR0 - DR3
12 up 917.6 125 DR0 - DR3
13 up 917.8 125 DR0 - DR3
14 up 918.0 125 DR0 - DR3
15 up 918.2 125 DR0 - DR3
65 up 917.5 500 DR4
0 down 923.3 500 DR8 - DR13
1 down 923.9 500 DR8 - DR13
2 down 924.5 500 DR8 - DR13
3 down 925.1 500 DR8 - DR13
4 down 925.7 500 DR8 - DR13
5 down 926.3 500 DR8 - DR13
6 down 926.9 500 DR8 - DR13
7 down 927.5 500 DR8 - DR13


This section covers a complete and thorough walkthrough for installing an AU915 sketch onto and Arduino shield and operation of an attached eMging LoRa Shield. A Windows 10 environment is used for the walkthrough. However, the same process can easily be achieved on Linux, however, some of the instructions will vary.

Hardware Overview

The eMGing LoRa Shield is an affordable Arduino shield for prototype development of LoRaWAN devices. The device is excellent for a prototype node. The version used in this project in the US900 version - however, this device is not specifically supported for the AU915 specification.

Attaching the LoRaWAN shield to an Arduino is a very simple process. Just plug the shield into the matching pins available. Plug and play!

NOTE: The version information is available on the bottom of the PCB board. A box on the PCB should be ticked to illustrate the specific model.

Setup Arduino IDE

Download and install the Arduino IDE. These instructions for installation on Windows should provide enough information.

Download Repo and Flash Arduino

This repo and the library can be added to the Arduino IDE library using a variety of methods. These are outlined below:

  1. Clone this git repository into your sketchbook/libraries folder. In Windows the specific directory is C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\Arduino\libraries\<library folder>
  2. Install it using the Arduino Library manager ("Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries...")
  3. Download a zipfile from github using the "Download ZIP" button and install it using the Arduino IDE ("Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library...")

For more infomation on using Arduino libraries, see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries.

Now we want to open the Shield_eMGing_LoRa_AU915.ino sketch file in the Arduino IDE. The sketch file is available in the /examples directory in this repo. This specific sketch file is a modified version of the original sketch provided with the eMGing LoRa Shield provided on the Dragino Wiki for the US900 version, available directly from here.

Make sure your Arduino and LoRaShield are attached to the host computer via USB. Now, upload sketch to Arduino, by selecting "Upload" which will compile and upload the sketch to the device.

Finally, open serial monitor so we can view output from the device and ensure it is functioning correctly. Set the serial monitor baud to 115200. You should see output similar to that below:

Packet queued for freq: 916800000
132794: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 917000000
1515422: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 917200000
2898055: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 917400000
4280688: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 917600000
5663319: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 917800000
7045951: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 918000000
8428658: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 918200000
9811291: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Packet queued for freq: 916800000
11193937: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)

In the output you should see packets queued for sending on 8 specific channels. Each channel is displayed as the frequency used when sending a packet. The node should send a packet, then the channel should either: 1) Move to the next channel; or 2) If at the end of the channel list, jump back to the first channel. In the listing above, packets started sending on channel 8 (916.8 MHz) and cycled throught the remaining 7 channels before looping back to channel 8 again.

LoRaWAN Library Configuration

As summary of changes to the source code are:

  1. Modify the LMIC fork to use the US915 frequency
  2. Modify the LMIC fork US915 frquency to adhere to the AU915 standard
  3. Modify the LMIC fork disableChannel() function to use the correct channel step
  4. Modify the Arduino sketch to disable the correct channels (to only enable band 2 in AU915)

The changes made are more thoroughly documented in the following subsections.


The LMIC library used in this project is a pre-existing fork of the IMB LoRaMAC-in-C. To quote the original author: the fork is the IBM LMIC (LoraMAC-in-C) library, slightly modified to run in the Arduino environment, allowing using the SX1272, SX1276 tranceivers and compatible modules. This section outlines the modifications to the library that have been made. Firstly, all modification have been made in the src folder, and sub-folder named lmic, as documented below:

In config.h comment out line 8:

//#define CFG_eu868 1

In config.h uncomment line 9:

#define CFG_us915 1

This change specified that we should use the US915 specification. However, even though we just changed the frequency to US915 we will not use this specification... we just hijacked this definition for ease of implementation. Therefore, we need to update the ecisting US915 MHz code for the AU915 specification. In the lorabase.h file, change lines 117 to 126 to:

enum { US915_125kHz_UPFBASE = 915200000,
       US915_125kHz_UPFSTEP =    200000,
       US915_500kHz_UPFBASE = 915900000,
       US915_500kHz_UPFSTEP =   1600000,
       US915_500kHz_DNFBASE = 923300000,
       US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP =    600000
enum { US915_FREQ_MIN = 915000000,
       US915_FREQ_MAX = 928000000 };

The above code sets a new minimum (915000000) and maximum (928000000) frequqncy to match the AU915 band 2 standard.

Now, we need to also make a small change in the lmic.c file. Change lines 776 to 779, from:

void LMIC_disableChannel (u1_t channel) {    
    if( channel < 72+MAX_XCHANNELS )        
    LMIC.channelMap[channel/4] &= ~(1<<(channel&0xF));


void LMIC_disableChannel (u1_t channel) {
    if( channel < 72+MAX_XCHANNELS )        
    LMIC.channelMap[channel/16] &= ~(1<<(channel&0xF));

All done! That was all the changes required to the LMIC Arduino port to get the eMGing LoRa Shield working in the AU915 standard.

Arduino sketch for eMGing LoRa Shield

The script in this project was derived from the original eMGing LoRa Shield sketch provided on the Dragino Wiki. The sketch required a variety of modifications. However, the most important modification is the selection of channels. The sketch initialises the LoRaWAN chip on the shield and enables all channels by default. The snippet of code below demonstrates how to use a simple for loop to disable specific channels (0-7 and 16-72). Ultimately, this only leaves the AU915 band 2 channels enabled, that is, channels 8-15. The code modification if documented below:

// First, disable channels 0-7
for (int channel=0; channel<8; ++channel) {
// Now, disable channels 16-72 (is there 72 ??)
for (int channel=16; channel<72; ++channel) {
// This means only channels 8-15 are up

Additional Resources

  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-Lora-Shield-and-RPi-to-Build-a-LoRaWAN-Gateway/
  2. https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/ttn-australian-communities/4068/10
  3. https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/lmic-node-dropped-packets/4400/9