
A tool for generating sample cost usage data for testing purposes

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


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A tool for generating sample cost and usage data for testing purposes.

Getting Started

This is a Python project developed using Python 3.6. Make sure you have at least this version installed.


To get started developing against Nise first clone a local copy of the git repository.

git clone https://github.com/project-koku/nise

Developing inside a virtual environment is recommended. A Pipfile is provided. Pipenv is recommended for combining virtual environment (virtualenv) and dependency management (pip). To install pipenv, use pip

pip3 install pipenv

Then project dependencies and a virtual environment can be created using

pipenv install --dev

To activate the virtual environment run

pipenv shell

To build the command line tool run

python setup.py install

Testing and Linting

Nise uses tox to standardize the environment used when running tests. Essentially, tox manages its own virtual environment and a copy of required dependencies to run tests. To ensure a clean tox environment run

tox -r

This will rebuild the tox virtual env and then run all tests.

To run unit tests specifically:

tox -e py36

To lint the code base

tox -e lint


  • AWS population requires prior setup of AWS Cost and Usage Report of same name to be created, as well as associated Bucket, Policy, Role, etc.


nise is a command line tool. Currently only accepting a limited number of arguments:

  • --start-date YYYY-MM-dd (not supplied, if using --static-report-file yaml)
  • --end-date YYYY-MM-dd (optional, defaults to today and current hour)
  • (--aws | --ocp | --gcp | --azure) required provider type
  • --aws-s3-bucket-name bucket_name (optional, must include --aws-s3-report-name) Note: Use local directory path to populate a "local S3 bucket".
  • --aws-s3-report-name report_name (optional, must include --aws-s3-bucket-name)
  • --aws-s3-report-prefix prefix_name (optional)
  • --aws-finalize finalize_choice (optional, choices: ['copy', 'overwrite'])
  • --ocp-cluster-id cluster-id (required when providing ocp type)
  • --insights-upload UPLOAD_URL (optional) Note: Use local directory path to populate a "local upload directory".
  • --static-report-file file_name (optional) Note: Static report generation based on specified yaml file. See example_aws[ocp]_static_data.yml for examples.
  • --gcp-report-prefix prefix_name (optional)
  • --gcp-bucket-name bucket_name (optional, see example usage below)

Note: If --aws-s3-report-name or --aws-s3-report-prefix are specified they should match what is configured in the AWS cost usage report settings.

Note: If --aws-finalize is used the copy choice will create a local copy of the data with a -finalized suffix and invoice id populated.
If overwrite is used, the regular data file generated will have invoice id populated

Note: If --insights-upload is and pointing to a URL endpoint you must have INSIGHTS_USER and INSIGHTS_PASSWORD set in your environment.

Note: If --static-report-file is used start_date will default to first day of current month. start_date: last_month will be first day of previous month. start_date: today will start at the first hour of current day. end_date can support relative days from the start_date. i.e end_date: 2 is two days after start date.

Note: --static-report-file usage dates has a special full_period key value which will specify a usage for the entire start_date - end_date range.


Below is an example usage of nise for AWS data:

nise --start-date 2018-06-03 --aws

nise --start-date 2018-06-20 --aws --aws-s3-bucket-name testbucket --aws-s3-report-name cur

nise --start-date 2018-06-20 --aws --aws-s3-bucket-name /local/path/testbucket --aws-s3-report-name cur

nise --start-date 2018-06-20 --aws --aws-s3-bucket-name /local/path/testbucket --aws-s3-report-name cur --aws-s3-report-prefix my-prefix

nise --start-date 2018-06-20 --aws --aws-finalize copy

nise --aws --static-report-file aws_static_data.yml

Generated reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Report Name>.csv.


Below is an example usage of nise for OCP data:

nise --start-date 2018-06-03 --ocp --ocp-cluster-id test-001

nise --start-date 2018-06-03 --ocp --ocp-cluster-id test-001 --insights-upload  https://cloud.redhat.com/api/ingress/v1/upload

nise --start-date 2018-06-03 --ocp --ocp-cluster-id test-001 --insights-upload  /local/path/upload_dir

nise --ocp --ocp-cluster-id my-cluster-id --static-report-file ocp_static_data.yml

Generated reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Cluster-ID>.csv.

Below is an example usage of nise for OCP running on AWS data:

# First ensure that the resource_id and dates in both AWS and OCP static report files match

nise --aws --static-report-file aws_static_data.yml

nise --ocp --ocp-cluster-id my-cluster-id --static-report-file ocp_static_data.yml

Generated AWS reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Report Name>.csv.

Generated OCP reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Cluster-ID>.csv.


Note: To upload to AZURE, you must have AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY set in your environment.

Below is an example usage of nise for AZURE data:

nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure

nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure --azure-storage-name container --azure-report-name cur

nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure --azure-storage-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur

nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure --azure-storage-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur --azure-storage-report-prefix my-prefix

nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure --azure-storage-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur --azure-storage-report-prefix my-prefix --static-report-file example_azure_static_data.yml

nise --azure --static-report-file azure_static_data.yml

To add an AZURE-local provider:

    "name": "Test Azure Source",
    "type": "AZURE-local",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "subscription_id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678",
            "tenant_id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678",
            "client_id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678",
            "client_secret": "12345"
    }, "billing_source": {
        "data_source": {
            "resource_group": {
                "directory": --azure-storage-report-prefix,
                "export_name": --azure-report-name
            "storage_account": {
                "local_dir": "/tmp/local_container",
                "container": ""


--gcp-bucket-name could be an local file name or a bucket. When --gcp-bucket-name matches a file on disk, the generated reports will be written to that file. If --gcp-bucket-name does not match a file on disk, nise will attempt to upload the gnerated report to a bucket with that name. When this is the case the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable must be set, and the given bucket-name must match and existing bucket that is accessable by the service account indicated in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

For more information about GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS see the Google Authentication Docs..

Below is an example usage of nise for GCP data:

nise --gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08

nise --gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08 --gcp-report-prefix my-gcp-data

nise --gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08 --gcp-report-prefix my-gcp-data --gcp-bucket-name my-gcp-bucket

Generated reports will be generated in daily .csv files with the file format <Report-Prefix>-<Year>-<Month>-<Day>.csv.


Please refer to Contributing.