
Use python smbus2 to I2C between Pi and I2C device, to measure humidity and temperature.

Primary LanguagePython

Use python smbus2 to I2C between Pi and I2C device

1. I2C

1.0 I2C Devices

  • AHT10: measures humidity in % and temperature in Celcius. Not use anymore.
  • AHT21: measures humidity in % and temperature in Celcius.
  • CCS811(board name is CJMCU-811): measures equivalent CO2 in ppm and Total Volatile Organic Compound in ppb. Not use anymore.
    • Notice: nWAKE should be LOW
  • BME680: measure temperature, humidity, pressure, air quarity.
  • MCP9808: measure temperature
  • SSD1306: 128x64 pixel OLED display

1.1 Install linux i2c tools

sudo apt install i2c-tools

then, try

i2cdetect -y 0

#### Trouble shooter

If there is error,

Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-3': Permission denied
Run as root?

add your user to i2c group,

sudo usermod -aG i2c your_username

and reboot.

1.2 Preperation

1.2.1 Install python3 pakages

Used python packages:

  • pyi2c: to communicate with I2C devices. This includes smbus2
  • influxdb_client: to save measurement data to InfluxDB server

Install python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install pyi2c influxdb_client

1.2.2 Get InfluxDB token

In shell, type this to add new environment variable.

export INFLUXDB_TOKEN=your_token_here

Or, create a script file, such as env.sh

# env.sh

export INFLUXDB_TOKEN=your_token_here

and type in the shell

source env.sh

1.3 Run

python3 i2c.py

Run in background

nohup 2>&1 python3 i2c.py &
# nohup python3 i2c.py > logs/i2c.out &

1.4 Startup on boot

Edit /etc/rc.local and add below lines

# -----------------------------------------
# i2c
cd __current_directory_path__
sudo -u __username__ ./startup.sh
# -----------------------------------------

To check rc.local, run

sudo systemctl status rc-local

2. Data visualization by using InfluxDB

3. Webserver (Not use anymore)

3.1 Preperation

  • django
pip3 install django

3.2 Run


For developers

Reset SQLite3 django model

python3 manage.py migrate --fake monitor zero
find . -path "*/migrations/*.py" -not -name "__init__.py" -delete
find . -path "*/migrations/*.pyc"  -delete
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate --fake-initial

How to Reset Migrations

