
Getting Started with Google Codelabs


Google codelabs is a collection of technology tutorials hosted by google. It is also an open source project that provides a tool named claat, which can generate the website files for the tutorials. This is document is a tutorial on how to get started generating codelabs.

Install claat

This tutorial assumes you are using the Ubuntu operating system. First, Install go

$ sudo apt install golang-go

Next, install claat

$ go get

This will create a ~/go/bin directory with the executable claat We can add this our $PATH environment variable to be able to use claat anywhere.

$ echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin' >> ~/.shrc

Using claat

claat can transform either markdown files or google documents into beatiful static websites or markdown. For example, we will generate this tutorial itself. First, download the git repository of this tutorial.

$ git clone
$ cd codelabs-example

This tutorial is generated from the file file We can generate this tutorial using the command

$ claat export -o www

This creates a directory ./www/codelabs-tutorial which contains the rendered html. They are placed in that directory because of the -o www flag in the command, and because the metadata id: codelabs-tutorial in the file We can serve the tutorial by running

$ cd www
$ claat serve

Now you can view it in your web browser!